Activated charcoal: Discover 4 uses of this powerful beauty ally
Discover the many uses of activated charcoal that go far beyond skincare
When it comes to skincare routine, activated charcoal is an extremely popular bet, and there's no shortage of reasons for that. But the truth is that this ingredient has a number of purposes that go beyond skin care. Did you know that? You can even use it for hair, teeth and in-office treatments. Here, check out the different ways to use it!
for the skin
Application to the skin is probably the best-known use of activated charcoal (also known as active carbon), which contributes to the cleanliness and uniformity of the skin tissue. “Activated charcoal, due to its high porosity, has a powerful capacity to retain impurities, toxins, dead cells, oiliness and makeup residues. In this way, the ingredient can deeply clean the skin and help control oiliness, thus helping to unclog pores and prevent blackheads and pimples,” explains dermatologist Dr. Paola Pomerantzeff, member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology.
for the hair
According to Dr. Paola, as with the skin, activated charcoal, when applied to the hair, also promotes a detox of the hair and scalp. “On the locks, activated charcoal promotes deep cleaning without drying out the strands, removing oiliness, dirt and product residue from the hair to make it healthier, brighter, lighter and softer and enable it to grow stronger and without obstacles”, he says. the doctor. To be used on the hair, activated charcoal can be incorporated into the composition of products such as shampoos and masks.
for the teeth
The ingredient is also a great ally for shiny teeth! “Activated charcoal is capable of promoting teeth whitening due to its ability to absorb pigment particles. That is, the porosities of activated carbon retain the particles that stain teeth”, explains Dr. Hugo Lewgoy, dental surgeon and doctor from USP.
“But it is important to emphasize that the main function of using toothpaste with activated charcoal is to help maintain professional whitening performed by dentists”, explains the specialist.
in the office
Activated charcoal is also a great ally for doctors' offices. The mineral, in the form of a paste, can even be used inside the dermatological office as a way to enhance the action of certain lasers, being an excellent way to combat open pores.
“To treat open pores, we use a carbon paste on the skin that penetrates the pores and then apply Pico Ultra 300 on top; the technology performs a photoacoustic effect on the carbon paste that is inside the pores. This causes the pore walls to stick together and the pore closes. It is something very innovative”, explains dermatologist Dr. Abdo Salomão Jr, member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology.
Care with the ingredient
It is important to point out that activated charcoal should only be used on the skin, hair or teeth when properly incorporated into the formulation of products intended for the care of these structures. The use of homemade recipes can be harmful to health.