
Peeling : The Go-To Post-Fashion Week Beauty Regimen

We take stock of the current popular procedure with Dr Alexandre Koutsomanis.

adult female person woman face head skin

While Fashion Week has both energized and exhausted many fashion aficionados, now is the time to take care of yourself. After the excesses of the evenings and the few hours of sleep, the desire to have a new look has become a need. Peeling is the ideal solution for these purposes — but you still need to know how to choose it correctly. The technique must be provided by a skin expert, Dr Alexandre Koutsomanis gives us his best advice to see things more clearly before getting started.

What is a peel?

It is an act in aesthetic medicine which consists of applying a product rich in acid to the skin of the face which causes skin peeling. The limited and controlled elimination of these superficial layers of the skin causes regeneration of the destroyed layers and stimulates the production of elastic fibers and collagen. It allows you to regain a luminous, radiant complexion and very satisfactory skin rejuvenation - that of having a denser skin texture, finer texture and a truly more glowy complexion.

There are several types of peels : superficial peeling, medium peeling and deep peeling. The choice of peeling is decided with a specialist according to your skin type and the depth of your wrinkles and/or scars.

Superficial peeling (or gentle peeling): what are its effects?

The superficial peel is composed of fruit acids ( glycolic acid ) and gives a real boost of radiance to the complexion. It helps tighten pores and eliminate small surface imperfections. In certain cases, TCA (trichloroacetic acid) can be used to obtain superficial peels.

Result: an immediate, natural glow effect, tightened pores and light, fine and discreet skin peeling. Upon release, you will be able to resume your daily life, without the constraint of social exclusion.

Medium peeling: what are its effects?

It acts more deeply because it is more dosed and more intense in trichloroacetic acid (or TCA). Its results are appreciable from the 1st month, with superior visible effects compared to superficial peeling.

Result: the first wrinkles are smoothed, the signs of skin aging reduced, brown spots erased and the dull complexion enhanced .

Deep peeling: what are its effects?

This type of peel targets deep wrinkles more. But it also has effects on helioderma, dark spots, pregnancy masks, etc. Here the substance used is carbolic acid. This acid helps liquefy aged, wrinkled skin to make way for plumped, new, radiant and luminous skin. Be careful, however, because carbolic acid (or phenol) generally causes a burning sensation and whitening of the skin - through coagulation and destruction of the epidermis. This type of peel is reserved for people with fairly fair skin . You have to wait around 6 to 8 days for the scabs to disappear and the “new skin” to appear.

Result: visibly radiant and rejuvenated skin, free of small imperfections as well as more significant imperfections.

From €250 per peel.


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