
Gemini New Moon: A Brand New Manifestation Cycle Begins

This week’s Gemini New Moon kicks off a brand new manifestation cycle.

nature outdoors sky sunset purple horizon scenery night
Photo by Zoltan Tasi

On Thursday, a new 28 day lunar cycle begins, one that has all the hallmarks of fast-paced excitement, fun and frivolity.

It’s the second expansive and luck-drenched moon cycle in a row after last month’s beautiful New Moon in Taurus cycle. That 28 day lunation included the luckiest full moon of the year, when good news and rewards were in abundance.

It seemed that everywhere I turned there was a success story to be heard. Several of my clients experienced huge wins and surprise gains within weeks of each other, having committed to their aspirations and aligned their efforts with the cosmic energy, myself included!

How was it for you? Can you look back over the past 28 days and recognise the bounty, beauty and serendipitous opportunities that came your way?

Now we get our second chance. This time with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in Gemini.

This is a starmap to begin something new, share your message with the world and apply intellect to find creative solutions for anything that may have previously stagnated or stalled. Take an inventory of your career choices, projects, relationships and educational pursuits that may have been cast aside. Now is the time for a second look. If these still align with your values and desired trajectory, they have massive potential to flourish over the next month and 12 months.

This cycle may present you with opportunities that put you in the right place, right time and in front of the right people who will help you achieve your goals and intentions.

With luck and abundance planet Jupiter settling in to the sign of Gemini for the next year, and being conjunct Mercury - this New Moon’s planetary ruler, you could experience the meeting of minds with kindred spirits that feel so kismet you might wonder if someone (or something) has been reading your mind. Spoiler alert: It has. The Universe is always listening!

This New Moon sets Jupiter’s luck-bringing trajectory over the coming year. Jupiter expands and amplifies, so if you have goals and aspirations that you want to achieve during Jupiter’s Gemini visit until May 2025, use now as the time to commit to them.

Write and speak your wishes into existence as Gemini rules communication. Take aligned action towards your desires, then pay attention for the aligned opportunities that arise over the coming months. Drown out the inner doubt and critical self-talk that will attempt to take you off course, and I guarantee by May 2025 you will have or be achieving them. (If you want help with that, get in touch with me - this is the foundation of the modus operandi I use to propel myself and my clients into success).

Gemini is the sign of choices. It is fast paced, simulating and changeable, so you may notice life speeding up, and a multitude of things vying for your attention as you grapple with spreading yourself a little thinly. These are the pitfalls of the season, especially with Venus, as it moves across the heart of The Sun, to join the Sun and Moon conjunction (The Gemini New Moon) on the other side. Venus is the planet of attraction and magnetism. It represents what is important to us. In Gemini, the sign of duality and choices, we may be attracting double the love, attention and options! This is a great gift, and potentially confusing! What will we choose? What does our heart really want? (This has nothing to do with what we ‘should’ or are expected to do, and everything to do with what we are called to do). Whatever decisions we make now will be for the long haul thanks to Saturn. Our planet of time and mastery will make a challenging aspect to this moon, applying the pressure to make our choices count.

Saturn will square this New Moon conjunct Venus, so while there is plenty of love, money, opportunity and potential all around, it could come at a price. In astrology, a square presents a challenging aspect. Saturn is notorious for restricting our expectations so that we don’t escape the important ‘adulting’ that is a prerequisite of success, mastery and achievement.

What’s true though is that everything in this Universe is created under pressure, including us! Instead of seeing any challenge that presents this month as a locked door, consider it as a barrier that can be overcome when navigated with faith, hope, trust, and from the heart. Bring some Gemini ingenuity, quick thinking and dexterity to any challenge, and with a little determination and grace we have the recipe for achieving more than we currently think is possible.

Alicia Orre is a Cosmic Success Coach living in Ibiza. She's created a unique methodology combining astrology, strategy, psychology and manifesting energetics that gives her clients the edge.

Collect your free Full Moon meditation here 

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Learn more about Alicia here 

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