
How to shine bright during the hot-headed Full Moon in Aries

Astrology columnist Alicia Orre tells us to hold on to your heads, folks - we have the full moon in Aries this week (Aries rules the head, so this advice is legit).

astronomy moon nature night outdoors full moon

Before I go on, I’ll explain how we can use a full moon as our monthly opportunity to expand and uplevel. Full moons are the peak of each 28-day lunar cycle before gradually waning towards the new moon phase - the start of the next lunar cycle. The moon is full when the sun shines its light full tilt onto the whole surface of the moon. We can see everything clearly. Even the night sky is brightly lit. (If you’re lucky enough to be in Ibiza during a full moon, you can watch her rise over the horizon as the sun sets directly opposite).

It’s when the moon's energy is at its most powerful. We can use this to push through, amplify our manifestations or intentions, and release what holds us back from our fullest potential. Symbolically, in astrology, the moon represents the mother energy, nurturing, intuitive, sensitive. It rules our emotions and unconscious drives. Our emotions eb and flow like water. Our unconscious drives can lead to self-sabotage or irrational reactions. 

When the moon is full it is a period of illumination. Just like the surface of the moon, nothing is hidden at this time. Mystery is made clear. Emotions are exposed. Even the ones we don’t want to own. Which is why sometimes the LUNAtic in us appears during the full moon. During the full moon phase, we can see what holds us back or better understand the full picture of a situation. Once realised and accepted we can release what is not serving us as the moon wanes. It is also an opportune time of ‘coming out’ and sharing news publicly with the world.

Sometimes developments instigated by the full moon are experienced in our outer worlds, or they can be felt within. This can be a few days before, during or after the full moon. Each of the 12 full moons in a year take place in a different zodiac constellation (unless we have a 13th once-in-a blue moon) presenting an opportunity for all of us to embody the archetypal characteristics of that zodiac sign, regardless of our personal zodiac sign.

nature night outdoors astronomy moon full moon sky sea water beach

This month Aries takes the spotlight

Aries is the youngest sign of the zodiac. It's brave and bold like a child that lacks fear. Aries jumps first, thinks about the consequences later. It’s the firestarter, a born leader stoking up excitement and moving on quickly leaving others to maintain the momentum it began.

When we put these two energies - the full moon and Aries – together, we get fiery emotions and bold reactions. It’s both fertile and volatile. This is an energy of facing our fears and making bold moves to create something great. To go after what we want. This is an opportunity to drop the ego battle, purge resentment and move forward.

However, with this delicate and fiery combo, caution is advised. An emotional warrior can quickly fan the flames and raze our efforts in an instant. We can over-extend ourselves to burnout or avoid obvious issues for them to blow up in our face. This full moon is for diffusing tension with friends, family, lovers and business partnerships. As the turbulent summer of intense retrogrades in Venus and Mercury comes to an end our newly reformed values and communication skills can be fully integrated and expressed.

And now is the time. Because the disruptive Eclipse season is coming in hot this October and we want things settled before it hits. By paying attention to the life themes highlighted and our emotions during this full moon, we get a peek at what the incoming eclipse season will bring. Because Mars, the planet of action and ruler of Aries, sits at the important eclipse degree. This indicates that whatever action we take during this full moon will directly tie in with the super powerful eclipses next month.

Read for your Sun and Rising sign below to understand how best to use this Full Moon for the greatest impact this weekend.

Aries: The spotlight is on YOU YOU YOU - shine brightly!

Taurus: Time to face reality. Be brave, let go and heal.

Gemini: Invite in collaborators and new connections - tech is your portal.

Cancer: Boldly claim your ambition, status and success.

Leo: Take an adventure, book your ticket and fly!

Virgo: Expose the real you to set yourself free.

Libra: Time to address confrontation in partnerships, or commit.

Scorpio: Your daily habits take centre stage. Leave the unhealthy here.

Sag: Your star power and magnetism is magnified by 10, so get creative. 

Cap: Make sure your foundations and inner circle rock solid.

Aquarius: Check out your local hotspots, you never know who you’ll meet.

Pisces: Raise your rates, make the sale, buy that thing!

Alicia Orre is a Success Coach and Astrologer living in Ibiza. She uses her unique combination of coaching, astrology and intuitive gifts to empower others to be great.
Collect your free Full Moon meditation here 
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Learn more about Alicia 


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