Scorpio season on the Scorpio island: here’s what you need to know
The Sun has just made its annual transit into the constellation of Scorpio, heralding the start of Scorpio season 2023.
You may have heard that Ibiza is the Scorpio Island. Anyone who has spent time here will have experienced Ibiza’s amplified magical allure and magnetic attraction, surrounded by the deep, crystal-clear waters. Her intense energy has the power to pull you in to experience deep transformation from the inside out. There is no middle ground - you either love it or hate it (and Ibiza will reflect that uncompromising emotion back at you) but everyone who spends time or lives here has a similar story about how ‘Ibiza changed their life’.
Its long history of hedonism with sexual undertones and the spiritual side with its yoga retreats and esoteric offerings add to the Scorpionic themes. Then there’s the duality between these two seemingly opposing sides. Both have more in common than may be apparent as they are transformative portals of finding oneself by teaching us how to let go and surrender. Typical of Scorpio again.
Scorpio is the archetype of death and rebirth. Every year the island ‘dies’ during the winter months transforming from a hectic, summer destination to an isolated retreat. Seemingly overnight, following the combined celebrations of Halloween and Día de Los Muertos (also during Scorpio season) the island goes into hibernation to recover from the intensity of the summer to be reborn again the following spring as the next high season begins.
So, what's in store for us this Scorpio season? Here are some key planetary events to look out for.
Scorpio Season comes every year from 23 October to 22 November as the Sun transits through the archetype of intensity, sex, death, power, finances, transformation and the psychic, esoteric arts.
Planet of communication, Mercury and Scorpio’s passionate ruling planet of action, Mars, is already in the deeply probing sign of Scorpio. This Mercury, Mars, Sun stellium has recently departed the ‘let’s avoid confrontation at all costs’ sign of Libra. Now we will be clear on our innermost desires and will want to express them. Get ready for raw and real conversations.
Saturday’s Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio’s opposite sign of Taurus will reflect the Sun's light exposing anything that remains confusing or unclear after an intense two-week eclipse season. The annual Taurus Full Moon is one of the most intense and passionate. This will be a Full Moon x 100, and everyone will have some unwelcome or unexpected home truths to share. Just a few days before Halloween, the freaky in all of us is sure to be exposed.
Note: If you’re planning to charge your crystals under the Full Moon, beware. The disruptive, wild card charge is probably not the energy you want to infuse them with.
On 4th November and still within the energetic aftershocks of the Eclipses, Saturn - our planet of mastery, responsibility and accountability - stations direct after a long retrograde since June. Check in with developments from that time and see how you’ve progressed. Things will begin to run more smoothly from now on with less delays or restrictions.
On 13th November we have the annual New Moon in Scorpio, when the Sun and Moon come together to commence a fresh lunar 28-day cycle. And although this closes the big eclipse energy we’ve been experiencing lately, this lunar phase could be problematic with passionate Mars and rebellious Uranus involved. Time to dial into heartfelt intentions based on activating out-of-the-box genius ideas and fighting for a cause.
5 Power Plays to Implement this Scorpio Season
Get to the Heart of the Matter
Scorpio is a natural detective and will bring that part out in all of us right now. It is the archetype that will stop at nothing until it finds the truth. So, if something (or someone) has been avoiding you (including your own purpose) now is the time to find out what and why.
Power up the Passion
It’s log fire and candlelight season! As the Scorpionic sexually charged energy starts to build, make the most of those long, cooler nights. If dating and relationships stalled over the summer retrogrades and October eclipses, Scorpio Season can power up the passion again (especially once Saturn stations direct).
Explore Your Dark Side
Ibiza is one of the best spots on the planet to explore your dark side. Whether that’s with the hedonistic Halloween celebrations or a dose of self-exploratory shadow work. Choose from the best one-off Halloween parties, spiritual practitioners and esoteric ceremonies on offer. Ibiza has all bases covered.
Shake Your Money Maker
Seductive Scorpio is a money archetype ruling over financial power moves - sex and money are energetically related after all. Now is the time to make some serious financial decisions that could pay off in the long run (especially if you implement them around the Scorpio New Moon).