
Activate The Taurus New Moon To Get Exactly What You Want

We are in the season of pleasure, thanks to the sun transiting the seductive sign of the five senses; Taurus. Which happens to coincide with Ibiza - the island of pleasure herself - springing to life with opening parties galore and the start of the summer season 2024.

nature outdoors sky azure sky sunlight sun
Photo by Nikolaj Habib.

Astrologically, this is sure to be one of the most enjoyable summers in a while, which will undoubtedly translate into memorable times for all of us, particularly if we tune our conscious thought into the magnetic energies that May contains, and intentionally call in opportunity and abundance! Are you ready?

May kicks off with a Taurus New Moon on 7th May. We can finally wave ba-bye to the heady, erratic intensity of the eclipses as we embark into a new 28 day lunar cycle that is brimming with abundance, optimism, indulgence and good fortune for the long term.

Taurus rules over pleasure, sensuality, simplicity, security and worth. All that is tangible falls under its reign. Taurus carries the initial spark of an idea ignited during Aries Season and gets to work. Taking aligned action, bringing it to life. Taurus Season reminds us to find pleasure in steadfastness, gratification in consistency and security in what is real. Slowing down to take in the journey and all that is beautiful about life along the way. The scent, sights and sounds, the breeze on our bare skin, taste on our lips.

It is the sign that rules devotion, the money we make and how we make it, bringing our values into real form. It recognises that we are born valuable and our truest nature is abundant, limitless and overflowing. 

It understands that we are not lacking anything. When we exchange money for tangible goods, we are not losing money, we are gaining something that equates to the same value. 

It’s a win-win, because where Taurus is concerned there is always room for ‘una mas’ (one more). 

The New Moon is the time to set intentions for what we desire to create over the coming 28 days, and over the next 6 months (to the corresponding Full Moon in Taurus on November 15th). With this New Moon in particular, after the wild eclipse season that preceded it, it's a time for stabilisation, grounding and setting realistic goals.

Taurus is the most earthy and real of all the zodiac signs. It understands that while indulging in sensual pleasures is our purpose in life, it's way more enjoyable if we indulge within the container of security and stability.

For Taurus that includes financial security, so you may find yourself wanting to commit to a healthier relationship with money, or assess your long term fiscal plan in order to procure the funds that bring your goals to life.

What's extra special about this Taurus New Moon, the entire lunar cycle and month of May, is that it contains one of the luckiest star maps in twelve years.

That’s because, joining the Sun and Moon in Taurus (where the Moon is exalted), we have its planetary ruler Venus, and Jupiter - the two benevolent planets of attraction and abundance - also in Taurus, joined by the planet of surprises and breakthroughs, Uranus.

So while all of these planets are hanging out in the constellation, we can expect a bonus of earthy delights, pleasurable engagements, an abundance of money and financial opportunities, plus a romanticised experience of life, with a healthy dose of the unexpected.

That’s not to say it’s all a bed of roses. At its lowest frequency, Taurus is prone to over-indulging to excess - particularly with Venus and Jupiter here which has an energetic imprint capable of expanding waistlines and credit card bills. Something for us all to be mindful of this month.

Taurus is the sign that rules the throat and voice, so if you want to strengthen yours or speak up for yourself to reclaim your self-worth, set an intention to do so under this New Moon. Other confidence-building practices using the voice to pay off over the long term could be joining a choir, starting a podcast, or stand-up comedy classes (Taureans are known for their dry sense of humour).

Overall, when it comes to our personal experience of life that we are constantly creating, the manifestation of it happens far more quickly when we are in the frequency of joy and pleasure. This is how you want to approach this week’s Taurus New Moon to imprint the lucky, abundant energy into the entire lunar cycle, and onto the next 6 months. Good luck!

Alicia Orre is an Astrology Empowerment Coach living in Ibiza. She uses her unique combination of coaching, astrology and intuitive gifts to empower others to be greater at who they are.

Collect your free Full Moon meditation here 

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Learn more about Alicia here 

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