
The success story of Karolina Geits

The young and successful American model Karolina Geits lives in Manhattan. She is currently writing a book about her life and taking part in promotional shoots for well-known brands. During the quarantine alone, she appeared on more than 10 fashion magazine covers. She told L'Officiel how she found fame during the quarantine, her grandiose plans for 2021 and life in New York.

publication book adult female person woman face head photography portrait

Karolina, despite all the quarantine barriers, your career is developing rapidly. What is your secret of success?

Karolina Geits: Of course, like everyone in the industry, I panicked when restaurants, public spaces and movie theaters were first shut down in New York City. The contracts flew one after the other because we could not carry out the planned filming and travel as part of the advertising projects. For a while we all mobilized at home, but sometimes I went further to the park to train with a trainer in the fresh air, because it's important for a model to stay fit. A popular publication took an interest in it, and we made a video for them about sports during quarantine. After that, other brands started writing about collaborations, offering to become ambassadors, signing endorsement deals - and that's how my quiet quarantine life ended. Now we're shooting with a small team for brands and their online sales, because it's no secret that online sales have increased significantly.

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Dress QUOD, shoes ALDO
dress: vintage; hat: vintage; Shoes: PER FIDEM
Hat: MADE IN CHOLA; Bag: FENDI; Vest: The Frankie Shop; Pants: The Frankie Shop; Shoes: Flying Solo

Which brands have you worked with lately?

Karolina Geits: There are many. Just last month I collaborated with Arutiunova, All Saints, Kamica Hampton, Lady Hunter Lingerie, Monosuit, Solomeina, Elena Rudenko, Caprice Decadent, AnnieCouture and became an ambassador of one of the emerging Ukrainian brands.

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Dress Oh Polly Gloves PRIX Bracelets SOLOMEINA Earrings Caprice Decadent US Shirt MONOSUIT
Dress Oh Polly Gloves PRIX Bracelets SOLOMEINA Earrings Caprice Decadent US Shirt MONOSUIT

Karolina, have you already written down your wishes, what do you expect from next year?

Karolina Geits: Of course I make a list of wishes and goals for myself every year - that's very motivating to move forward and develop further. I can safely say that over the past year I have accomplished most of what I set out to do. Next year I want to finish a book about my life and launch it in two languages, do a Times Square ad for a brand and travel the world.

You are an ambitious girl! What qualities do you value in people?

Karolina Geits: Our environment creates our reality. I believe that in order to move forward and develop together, you have to surround yourself with confident, positive and ambitious people. Above all, your own company must motivate and be interesting. I also value honesty, professionalism and sincerity in people. I do not like deceit and cynicism, so people around me should not possess these qualities.

Jacket: ARC LUO, Earrings: Caprice Decadent US, Necklace: Caprice Decadent US, Bracelet: Caprice Decadent US

Can you give our readers two tips for the coming year?

Karolina Geits: Don't be afraid to set yourself ambitious goals! Even if they are only partially implemented, you will feel the result! And surround yourself with motivating people, together with them you will develop and reach new heights.


Creative Director & Photographer: Evgeny Milkovich @emilkovich

Wardrobe stylist: Diego Larez @diegolarez

Stylist Assistant: Dani Trembecki @danitrembecki

PR: Valeri Manziuk @manziuk_v_

Hair Stylist: Diego Larez @diegolarez

MUA: Alina Yuschenko @alya.sandro

Model: Karolina Geits @karolinageits


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