
April astrology: Spring burns with ambition and love

Welcome to April with warm weather, sunny skies, birdsong, and dramatic movements from the stars. What message will the 12 zodiac signs receive in this moment?

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Are you excited for April? On Monday the 3rd, Mercury, messenger of the gods enters Taurus, establishing the theme of the month: honest and straightforward communication. Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus, so this move helps you to express yourself honestly and kindly. Unfortunately, this month also brings a turbulent Eclipse and Mercury retrograde, so try to have a conversation at the beginning of the month to avoid stressing things out.

The sky will be bright with a Libra Full Moon on Wednesday the 5th. Since the Full Moon always brings great changes, this time in Libra ruled by Venus, this is certainly the ideal time. to rest, focus on health convalescence activities. When Venus, the ruler of abundance, love and beauty enters Gemini on Monday the 10th, your schedule will be filled with romantic dates, trips with you. Friends make you more confident in life.

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Similar to Full Moon night, another night to spend relaxing at home is Wednesday the 19th, the day of the New Moon and Eclipse in Aries. Astrologers call solar eclipses "universal fluctuations" because they can lead to an abrupt and rapidly changing end or beginning. If you are procrastinating ending a toxic relationship or having a difficult conversation, this Eclipse can make decisions for you. That's why it's a good idea to settle things quickly at the beginning of the month.

The Sun enters sensual Taurus on Thursday the 20th. The next few weeks will be a comfortable time to have fun with friends, hang out, enjoy the warm weather and practice mindfulness, for the season of Taurus is a time for us to appreciate the colors and preserve the colorful and beautiful moments of life. Just be aware that Mercury retrograde begins on Friday the 21st. Don't let this worry you as the Eclipse is stressful enough and remember that you've experienced Mercury retrograde countless times before. . Just remember to double-check important emails and correspondence, spend extra time traveling, and ignore any texts from your ex.

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Drama in the closest relationships will test Aries' ability to stay calm to avoid feeling personally attacked. Keep peace with your loved ones by making compromises, against your nature to engage in stubborn arguments. Don't worry because this brief distraction won't get in the way of you achieving great personal goals and ambitions as the Eclipse will invigorate you. Continue to develop yourself, build your inner strength, and work towards your dreams.


This month, Taurus must face challenges with a calm head and stick to the real nature of the matter. Collaborate with others, especially in work-related situations, and trust that you don't need to take control to solve the problem. After Taurus season begins on the 20th, think about how your attitudes and values have changed over the past year. As your interests evolve, so does the path you take in life, so don't struggle with inevitable changes.


Stick to the plan Gemini, even if it seems like you're a long way from achieving your goals and dreams. Your mental resilience and determination to overcome obstacles will soon pay off, making every wish possible. Instead of rushing into your next ambition, take time to rest, recharge, and reflect on this stressful journey. Beginning with the rise of the 20th Taurus season, you will be more focused on taking care of your mental health.


Cancer, it's best to rely on facts and evidence instead of what you've seen and heard on social media. Make your own decisions and trust your instincts instead of blindly believing what others say. Hard work for career will gradually show through recognition and promotion. However, Mercury retrograde on the 21st will cause you to rethink your direction and whether you have the right companions and mentors around to support your growth.

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This month, spend time connecting with old and new friends. Every social activity is a networking opportunity; You can make a valuable connection through a mutual friend, so be gracious to everyone you meet and find ways to chat to get to know them better. Going into a solar eclipse on the 20th can lead to stress. Instead of taking sides in heated arguments, be a mediator and use neutral logic to clarify the truth.


Keep an open mind when faced with opportunities to learn from someone with more knowledge and experience than you. Whether learning a new skill from a book or asking for advice from someone, there's no shame in having a need to learn. As social life becomes increasingly hectic, remember that you can leave early when you feel overwhelmed or tired. Don't try to force it when you know you have no interest in participating and just want to relax at home.


Give your loved one the opportunity and space to express their frustrations and worries, and remember to maintain your boundaries, Libra. Set the standard by which you deserve to be spoken to with constant respect. In addition, you will be engaged in inspirational conversations that impact values, belief systems. Someone will surprise you with the deep connection between the two of you as well as the intellectual and human points of view that you both share.


Love relationships will become the focus, calling on Scorpio to work on building security, trust, and intimacy with their partner. Pamper your loved ones with time and care, and proactively plan dates or romantic get-togethers with your BFF. While you're in control of your personal life, you'll be pressured to stay calm when dealing with workplace and corporate risks. Stay away from drama to protect your mental health and try not to let your co-workers irritate you.

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Don't lose faith if Sagittarius and the person you happen to be dating decide it's better to be friends. You will experience many dating opportunities, or rekindle the spark in existing relationships through laughter and sweet words. Elsewhere, Taurus season will make you consider whether your hard work has produced enough results. Rearrange your priorities, restructure your daily routines to ensure that your time and energy are used properly.


Share from the heart and choose your words carefully in April. Saying something harsh in the heat of the moment can do irreparable damage to a Capricorn's reputation. As the month goes by, you'll feel more content to stay busy with work and priorities. It's important that whether you're at work, at the gym, or socializing with coworkers, try to connect with others for the common good. Never have too many friends, right?


Aquarius, this month is the month to connect with needs and interests. Put all your heart into a new passion project, enjoy being the center of attention when potential romantic partners are eager to catch your eye. Even if you do it with good intentions, you can still be exhausted by your own thoughts and experiences. So don't forget to try to broaden your perspective to avoid controversy and understand that you may not know as much as you think.


This month, you will see the positive effects of previous changes you have made to your daily routine. However, if you want to be more productive, don't limit yourself to rigid stereotypes because you will thrive when you have space to be creative and spontaneous. You will feel more confident when you communicate your ideas clearly and give positive reviews. Be aware, however, that Mercury retrograde on the 21st can be frustrating if inexplicable errors and delays occur. Don't be too hard on yourself.


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