
How to deal with anxiety when facing world news

Experts help us navigate the challenges of today's tough times

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While we are still returning to our normal routine after more than two years of the pandemic , which put us in social isolation and forced a sudden change in habits, another historic moment has arrived. There is no doubt that we are experiencing difficult times , in which the word “war” has taken over television, social networks and even conversations between friends. However, how to deal with all the anxiety that this news can bring?

Learning how to filter this rain of information and maintain mental health in the midst of this scenario is a great challenge for many people. Therefore, we asked Denize Savi, a journalist specializing in Science of Happiness, and Mônica Camargo Tracanella, a psychologist and branding strategist, about how to keep up to date on the conflicts that are in the world and balance bad thoughts and feelings in the face of all this. Check out!

  • When faced with strong news, why is it often very difficult to deal with it alone? What to do in this case?

Denize Savi: Negative news has a much deeper impact, not just emotionally, but also neurologically. Our brains process negative news faster, more intensely, and better than neutral or positive news. When we see or receive bad news, we are more attentive and nervous, as well as remembering it more easily. Psychologist, researcher, and author of The Brain and Happiness, Rick Hanson, says that our brain is Velcro for negative things and Teflon for positive things.

This means that everything that is adverse calls us much more attention and “sticks” to our mind like Velcro. Knowing this, the media uses this phenomenon for their own benefit, exploring the tragedies much more, and when the event has catastrophic proportions, and with global impact, as is the case of the war in Ukraine - even more followed by two years of pandemic - we have the impression that the world is going from bad to worse.

Yes, we are living through one of the worst crises of humanity and the feeling is that tranquility – and even happiness – is further away than ever.

  • What advice would you give to those who are particularly anxious about following the political situation right now?

Denize Savi: The first tip is to choose reliable news sources and follow the news consciously, that is, stay informed, trying not to spoil the mood. Another tip is to avoid obsessively consuming the unfolding events throughout the day. According to research from the University of California on the impact of bad news on our health, reading, listening to or watching bad news first thing in the morning triggers symptoms of anxiety and sadness that can linger all day.

To avoid starting the day with a full head, swap the news for exercise or meditation. If possible, both. These activities release feel-good hormones. Set a time throughout the day to stay informed and avoid seeing bad news before bed as well.


5 tips for finding balance in the midst of tough times

Limit time for bad news

Mônica Camargo: As much as we want to know what is happening, we need to police ourselves to find the balance between information and intoxication.

Separate moments of the day to inform yourself, but avoid following events all the time, at all times. If anxiety often interferes with your sleep, avoid reading the news at the end of the day, before bed.

Balance your routine with good news

Mônica Camargo: Try to draw your attention also to good news and good events. Change the focus: read books and watch movies with lighter themes, talk to friends... all of this can be an encouragement at this moment.


Identify small moments of happiness

Mônica Camargo: Throughout the day, try to create and enjoy small moments of joy, doing something to welcome and please yourself.

Practice looking at the full side of the glass - try to remember, every night before bed, 3 moments of your day for which you should smile and be grateful. With this practice, these moments will begin to be identified throughout the day and you will be able to enjoy them in a more present and conscious way.

And don't forget: if even trying to seek balance, something inside you is greatly impacting your way of seeing the world right now, put it out. Seek help.

focus on breathing

Denize Savi: There is a technique in Mindfulness called Transactional Pause. It consists of micro breaks between one task and another to breathe and bring attention to the body.

To start, bring attention to the breath, then to the sensations in the body and try to understand what you are feeling, but don't seek to change the sensation, just accept it. Allow yourself to be and relax for a few minutes.

If you're feeling very anxious, practicing deep breathing helps a lot. Four-stroke breathing is great for oxygenating the brain and body. Inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four, exhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four. Repeat the process for 3 to 5 minutes. In this way, a higher concentration of oxygen will help the brain's chemical reactions by changing the emotional state.


Think positive

Denize Savi: Positive Psychology offers several tools to increase well-being and quality of life, based on the development of strengths such as love, gratitude, optimism and resilience. Through which it is possible to see the world with different eyes. Not the eyes of those who are alienated, on the contrary, the eyes of those who are more than attentive to help transform the world into a better place.

Be aware of the world stage as well as your emotions

Denize Savi: What we need to do is be aware that we are having very bad expectations about the world because of the excess of bad news. Awareness is the first step to not getting into a spiral of negative emotions that lead to stress, anxiety and even depression. And in a practical way, to bring this awareness to what is possible to be transformed in our surroundings. What is within my reach that I can contribute to improve? Volunteer in a social project? Promote actions to preserve the environment? Do good? What is tangible within my reality?


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