
The new moon in Pisces and what that means in Ibiza

L'OFFICIEL IBIZA astrology columnist Mavi de Mars sets a reflective new mood for the month ahead

moon sign horoscope

The end of February and March always finds me somehwere between inner oceanic bliss and spiritual transcendence on one hand, and hopeless despair and disillusionment on the other. As an Aries rising I am aligned with the natural zodiac, so each solar illumination of the cosmic archetypes is experienced true to form, making me a natural beacon for the sun’s energy. I felt inspired this month to speak the cosmic influence through my own experience – hopefully giving a more intimate and embodied expression of the celestial realm. 

As the Sun has just entered Pisces, initiating this closing archetype and final chapter of the last twelve month’s journey, so has its energy become a dominant reality for me. A time where I am feeling more sleepy, more dreamy, ever more romantic, ever more nostalgic, ever more hopeful. Or on the flip side ever so confused, disappointed and hungry for an escape. 

The Pisces new moon carries the archetype of the dreamer. The sign is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions - one fish that wants to swim away from reality, upstream, in its longing for fantasy and otherworldliness and ultimately, spiritual growth. I experience that as a desire to lose myself in a world that is much more beautiful and more fair than the one the downstream swimming fish encounters. I am doing my best not to get swept up by the muddy waters of the ending of the Piscean age. Doing my best not to get disheartened that we have not quite succeeded in making the most of this archetype in the last two thousand years. It can feel that real kindness and spiritual integrity are still somehow trumped by a pseudo ‘new age’ perfect image. That empathy for those who are suffering can feel less important than idolising our ego’s desires. This manifests as the validation of ‘false gods’ in human form. At this time, the dreamer is needed to keep sanity in check. To fill the heart with hope and faith that it will all make sense one day. 

Underwater Photography Toni Frissell

As an antidote to the things that can crush the inner dreamer, I find myself back in my meditation practice, listening to the soothing voice of Tosha Silver, one of my favourite spiritual teachers. Remembering to invoke divine order into my life as if it is the ultimate nutrition for my soul. Sitting quietly in silence, adjusting the volume of my intuitive whispers. Praying for the ability to bless and forgive. Allowing the objective universe to evaporate and the experience of an empty, formless and peaceful consciousness to emerge. 

This lunar cycle sees a number of important planetary shifts, one of which is Saturn entering Pisces on the 7th of March, right in time for the Virgo Full Moon - ushering in a two-year invitation for getting real about our magic. A time for making authenticity and spirituality the ultimate pair and asking if we really practice what we preach? And if we preach what we believe? If we show up in the way that speaks to our highest good and put empathy for thy neighbour into real action?

No mention of Pisces energy can go without a deep dive into boundaries and being a ‘Neptunian’ person myself I’ve had to learn the hard way how to communicate what is allowed in my reality and how to grieve the loss of relationships that could not honour it. Ultimately, we all have vulnerable and delicate elements that need to be protected. Trusting that any painful loss experienced is nothing but an opening to greater levels of union, with ourselves and those other fishes that chose to swim upstream with us. 

dancing person leisure activities ballet ballerina
Underwater Photography Toni Frissell

In closing, this last New Moon of the solar calendar encourages us to let go of old patterns, behaviours, and negative emotions that may be holding us back. And at the same time is helping us tap into our creativity, spirituality, and emotional sensitivity, to set intentions related to our dreams, wishes, and desires, and to trust our intuition as we move forward ahead.

‘We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea breakers, and sitting by desolate streams,
World losers and world forsakers, for whom the pale moon gleams,
Yet we are the movers and shakers of the world forever, it seems.’

Arthur William O’Shaughnessy


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