Environment therapy: technique brings good energies and harmonization
Taking care of our space is an essential attitude. How about betting on environment therapy? Get to know everything about this subject:
It is a fact that in the last two years we have never been as connected with our home as we are today, and this is all due to social isolation. During this period, we are able to stop, observe and actually experience the enviroment where we live, seeing the true extent of our body, our home, and the needs it has. Therefore, taking care of our space is an essential attitude to keep it well and harmonious, and enviroment therapy is ideal for this. But do you know how it works? It is nothing more than the union of techniques to treat a space considering physical, psychological, mental, emotional, bioenergetic, vibrational and multidimensional aspects.
"Our house has an informational matrix and everything that happens in the place, is coupled in this field of information and in the walls. It is a reflection of who we are and everything we do in it, it reflects on us and vice versa. Energy imbalance, over time this imbalance is shaped in the physical of the house, through pathologies, such as leaks, cracks, burned out light bulbs, etc. It is as if the house is telling you that it has some issues to solve and the way she says this is through the pathologies, with time it can even interfere with the resident's health through diseases and disorders", explains Kelly Curcialeiro, architect specialist in Energy Architecture and Enviroment Therapy.
The specialist also points out that when the therapy of the enviroments is carried out on site, the points of energy imbalances are initially identified and the healing, harmonization and alignment of these energies are also proposed through the set of techniques such as Quantum Feng Shui, Geobiology, Radiesthesia, sound harominzation, biophilia, aromatherapy, chromotherapy, the healing use of crystals and psionic table being the main ones.
In this process, it is important to sort objects, clothes and shoes, what is broken, fix it or throw it away and what is in good condition and no longer usable, to donate. It is also common for there to be deeper movements, such as moving away from people who are not on the same vibrational frequency. The objective of the process is for the energy of the property to flow in a positive way, bringing balance in all sectors of our life. The specialist, Kelly Curcialeiro, listed some tips, which do not replace the therapy of the enviroments, but collaborate so that the energies start to flow and raise the vibration of your space and thus feel the benefits of these changes on a daily basis.
open the windows
Sunlight is an abundant source of life, it is a way to provide a daily renewal of energies. Since the sun has the power to energize, warm, cheer up, illuminate, sanitize and renew the entire environment. Even if that light doesn't fall directly, the fact of brightening the space already helps a lot.
Keep the environment clean and organized
A clean and organized place is essential to have good energies and benefits such as a feeling of well being, reception, comfort and more productivity, unconsciously freeing ourselves so that we can pay attention to the really important goals for our life evolution.
As we clean and organize each room, we mentalize that we are opening new paths in our lives for opportunities to come.
The bedroom and sleep
Many people report not sleeping well, it is important to pay attention to some aspects such as a messy bedside table, your bedtime habits also interfere with your sleep, if you read or watch a violent movie, war can get in the way. A mirror that reflects you when you're sleeping is also an important point of attention. The trunk bed, although it is a good option for places with little space, it is recommended to store only soft and clean things just as bedding, towels and coats.
have natural plants
Powerful in cleaning, purifying, revitalizing and changing the energy pattern of the place, plants bring a connection with nature, in addition to bringing beauty and a sense of wellbeing.