Never before seen: The exhibition told by Luigi & Iango at Palazzo Reale
Never before seen photos, behind the scenes, videos and works taken from the archive. The photographers Luigi & Iango are on display at Palazzo Reale in Milan.
«After 14 years of experience together we took some time to study our photographs from the past and our relationship with the talents we shot. For us it meant doing internal research and revealing what is usually not seen, lifting a metaphorical veil to bring out our most intimate and personal approach" specifies Luigi Murenu. «This is why in the exhibition there are 60% of photos that have never been exhibited before and which are not the kind of images that people expect from us». Before dedicating himself to photography, Luigi, of Sardinian origin, was a hairstylist, a job that allowed him to develop on set the empathy necessary to empathise with the subjects photographed, while the Swiss Iango Henzi was a classical dancer, a profession from whom he says he learned discipline and control: «There is a great deal of preparation behind our shots, we structure the ideas very well and we only shoot people we like and who have something to tell. We study them, we listen to them, so when we arrive on set it is easier to let go to reach a state of mutual abandonment. During our services Luigi arranges the hair styling, this helps us to also break down the physical barrier with the subject of the photo, then we let ourselves be guided by the energy of the moment, in this way we manage to obtain an unconscious and less filtered beauty. Each of our shootings is as if it were a first date, it is our necessity to feel butterflies in our stomachs every time" says Iango.
“Unveiled” (from 21 September to 26 November at Palazzo Reale in Milan) is the exhibition curated by Canadian Thierry-Maxime Loriot (the curator of Mugler's “Couturissime”, ed.) who also created the book published by Phaidon with introduction by their model and friend Marina Abramović . For Loro it is " an exhibition that is more introspective than retrospective. Their goal is to create a style that not only expresses who they are with their recognisable graphic light, but by offering an honest photography, which somehow represents a truth."
Many celebrities were photographed: Dua Lipa, Cher, Cate Blanchett, Penélope Cruz ... An entire room was dedicated to Madonna , however, because as Luigi says: «she is a special person for us, with her we have a unique complicity and we have wanted to create an ad hoc space to celebrate his regal attitude. As soon as we examined the space it was as if Madonna already lived between those walls, between the silks and the important decoration of the room". But beyond fame, the duo is interested in: «being touched by intellectual beauty, because we live in an intolerant socio-political context. It is essential to introduce values into artistic expressions, and we like to give space to the progress and diversity of each person."