BellySculpting: 5 frequently asked questions about the miracle method for a flat stomach
Initiator of BellySculpting, Anaïs Jazmine lifted the veil on the frequent questions around her method.
Who has never wanted a flat stomach ? With BellySculpting , this much sought after quest is now at your fingertips. Accessible and easy, its secret lies in a fusion of the Stomach Vacuum breathing technique – which massages the viscera – and the pilates method – which acts in parallel on the deep muscles. How to do it well? How regularly to exercise for a visible and lasting result? We tell you everything.
When to practice stomach vacuum?
The morning on an empty stomach — before breakfast — is the best time to practice stomach vacuum. It should even become your first instinct: you can, if you wish, practice it in your bed, before getting up. Ideally, make it your morning routine , like brushing your teeth. Thus, you wake up your body, your organs and your muscles gently, you warm them up, stimulate them and prepare them for the day to come. It goes without saying that nothing prevents you from doing it at the end of the day. Some women also practice it in the evening, after a light dinner and before going to bed. In this case, this exercise has more effects on digestion and less on the flat stomach aspect, which you will feel the next day when you wake up.
Should I practice every day?
The key to success is consistency! Whether you devote 10, 20 or 30 minutes a day to it, the most important thing is to do it every day. Again, it's about establishing a routine that, like all routines, is practiced daily.
I have a belly, will I make it?
This method was designed for all women and for all bodies. It is accessible to all. Farewell complex: the morphology has nothing to do with the final visual rendering. Even if your range of motion is not great, you will still work in depth , you will stimulate your transit and you will obtain results.
Can I drink and eat before a Stomach Vacuum session?
The Stomach Vacuum is ideally practiced on an empty stomach, which allows a better detoxification of the body and above all a much better amplitude. But it all depends on your goal, and your schedule. If you want to eat before, it is better to plan a very light meal followed by exercise two to three hours after your meal.
Are the results immediate?
The effects felt on the stomach are immediate : after the session, you may feel less bloated, lighter, more toned... You will also feel that your stomach is more sheathed, more curved. The "visible" results can appear in a week or ten days. Most transformations occur after three weeks, which is natural because the body renews itself every 21 days . Some women can obtain an already surprising before/after effect from the end of the first session.
Comments taken from the book " The BellySculpting method for a flatter stomach " by Anaïs Jazmine, published by Leduc.