
Polish Your Vampire Nails to Perfection This Halloween

Try your hand at the gruesomely glamorous vampire nail trend.

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As Halloween creeps closer and closer, the vampire nail trend has taken over social media. After the release of Olivia Rodrigo's single "Vampire" in June, it's no surprise that the blood-like nail trend gained such traction this Halloween season. This trend is all about colour. The deep red nails mixed with black create a modernized 2010 ombré-style look. Some iterations of the trend ombré traditionally from bottom to top, while others use the new aura design. This witchy-sounding trend looks similar to ombré, but instead, the two colours bleed from the center.

Without much uniformity outside of the colour combination, this nail trend allows you to get creative with your vampire nail designs. Add sparkles or embellishments, play with different nail shapes to give them an entirely different look, or try a new texture. With vampires ever present in culture, don't hesitate to look to them for nail inspiration. Classic depictions like Dracula and modern depictions like Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer all give inspiration to the haunted trend. 

Return to your childhood Halloween days filled with playing dress-up, trick-or-treating, and trading for your favorite piece of candy. Taste the plastic of fake vampire teeth again, but this time, with a bit more class and style. L'OFFICIEL curated a collection of vampire nails to give your Halloween nails some inspiration this season. 



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