A Destined Relationship Crossroads - This Libra / Aries Eclipse Season
On Monday we had a Full Moon in Libra. But this was not an average Full Moon, it was an eclipse influenced by the South Node - a karmic axis point representing our past, and what holds us back from reaching our full potential and destiny.
This Full Moon opens up a two week window between this and the next Aries New Moon eclipse on 8 April.
We call this window Eclipse Season - when the usual energetic flow of light codes between the Sun, Moon and Earth is disturbed.
So even though the Full Moon has happened, this highly charged and chaotic eclipse energy is in full effect, and will continue to present events and situations that will put our resolve to the test. The result of the decisions we make now will reset our course on a new path. If we are off track, eclipses get us back on track towards our destiny. Like it or not.
Life is never the same after Eclipse Season. And when the eclipses take place in Libra and Aries, the key themes we are presented with are about relationships. Our relationship with ourselves, others and life itself.
So while Eclipse Season brings permanent change and fated events such as; people and things falling away or reappearing, embarking on a new direction, and new people entering our lives that are more aligned. The challenging part is that we may not fully embrace the changes that are taking place.
Our ego self resists what it does not want. It’s human nature to attach meaning and cling on to things, beliefs and people, or what we already know. This is why we find ourselves in the same situations over and over. The spoiler alert is that it is not those things that we want but the FEELING that they represent.
Read that again.
If you ever question ‘Why is this happening to me again?’ or ‘Why does this always happen to me?’ or ‘I’ve done it again, I should know better by now!’
This is why.
We unconsciously attract what we already know because it is already a frequency match, even when we consciously know it’s not in our best interest. It’s at this level that our ego likes us to remain, because our ego’s only purpose is to keep us out of danger, and the unknown is not safe to the ego.
What our soul wants is in the unknown. It is an elevated frequency where what we desire most: true connection, security, peace, love and freedom - is found. These are the feelings we are looking for that we mistakenly attach to the people and things outside of ourselves.
So how do we get out of this never ending loop?
By removing the layers of limiting beliefs, self judgements, conditioning, and negative thoughts. Y´know, that inner critical voice that convinces us that we are not good enough, don’t belong, or have no value to add. So that we remember what we really are: Limitless creators, continually influencing the energy around us.
The key is to release control. To surrender to what is taking place around us and let events unfold. If we put our trust in the truth that we are a part of something greater than just our human selves, what is on the other side, is better than we can imagine. I know this to be true - I have seen and experienced it many times.
Plus, to remember we are all going through this in some way right now. Cut yourself and everyone else some slack. That does not mean accepting poor behaviour from others. With the eclipses in Libra and Aries, we are learning to release lower vibrational attitudes of people pleasing and codependency in place of radical honesty, belief in ourselves and standing by that belief with integrity.
This Eclipse Season is our fast track to this. It is a soulful time to get back on course. A shedding of our past, dissolving what is not meant to be, releasing us from soul contracts and bringing karmic readjustments.
We find ourselves at crossroads and pivot points. Which way do we go? Do we follow our heart’s calling, or go back to what we know (even if it sucks)?
This is especially true as Venus, the planetary ruler of the Libra eclipse, is conjunct the planet of mastery and karmic Lord, Saturn.
Saturn has a sobering influence. He brings the no nonsense reality check to the crossroads we find ourselves in. Whichever way we go, Saturn expects us to fully commit.
The Eclipses want you to follow your heart, and it knows that you have to match the frequency of what you desire in order to get it. When your soul desires something so begins the energetic, invisible work to attract it. Along with, if necessary, the steps required to get there.
It is these steps - the people and events that challenge us, and how we respond to them - which is the doorway to what we desire. When everything feels like it’s falling apart, remember that everything is actually falling into place.
Pay attention to the events, people and challenges that are present in your life now. Change can be rapid and unexpected.
It is common to get physical symptoms as we pass through this portal. If you have disrupted sleep patterns, vivid dreams, feel groggy, irritable, emotional, dizzy, overwhelmed, anxious, have headaches, body aches, sore throat or a heavy heart - welcome to Eclipse Season.
What is happening beyond these physical symptoms that we may be experiencing is in preparation for our next evolution.
We are releasing emotional density from our bodies, our nervous system getting primed to receive and hold a higher frequency of light. Help yourself by getting plenty of rest, get out in nature with its incredible healing benefits, stretch, play, keep hydrated and believe that you are supported by something greater when we first support ourselves.