
How The 12 Zodiac Signs Say Goodbye in Relationships

According to astrology, when it comes to love, dating and relationships, each zodiac sign feels emotions differently and they also tend to have certain attachment styles that influence to the way they cut off their relationship.

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Beautiful, sweet or argumentative and crying, it's difficult to predict how a person ends a relationship. There's also a big difference between people who like to have mature breakup conversations and people who quietly leave in a confusing way.

According to astrology, when it comes to love, dating and relationships, each zodiac sign feels emotions differently and they also tend to have certain attachment styles that influence to the way they cut off their relationship. This is especially true if a person's zodiac sign is connected to one of the planets involved in relationships, like Venus, Mercury, or Mars. By looking at the planet that rules their sign, you'll get a little hint as to how your lover is looking to break up.

Let's see how the 12 zodiac signs will break up with their lover.

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Ruled by the passionate and impatient Mars, Aries is one of the most direct and honest signs of the zodiac. If the relationship is not going well, they will put everything on the table, talk frankly with you, and tell you all their feelings. Although they can sometimes be a bit hot-tempered because of their straightforward nature, once everything has resolved, they will clearly cut off the relationship without leaving any lingering attachments and that's it.


Taurus loves security and stability. This earth sign is ruled by Venus, so they will do whatever it takes to make a relationship work, whether it's emotional therapy, planning a fun vacation, or finding More date nights. Once they've exhausted their list of potential solutions, that's when they'll ask to sit down for a candid conversation. If Taurus feels like they're not getting what they need in a relationship, they'll have a real conversation with you about why they want to end the relationship. Then, they will resolve everything smoothly in the most mature way possible.


Gemini is known for being indecisive and difficult to tie down. They don't like deep or emotional conversations, so instead of ending things clearly, they tend to do vague, confusing, and unpleasant things to push you away to end the relationship. have a cold. Typically, trying to cause trouble or canceling pre-arranged plans. They'll do everything they can to avoid initiating the breakup, but they'll be happy when it's over.


As one of the most emotional signs, Cancer finds breaking up difficult and letting go even harder. They will delay breaking up as long as possible, even staying with their partner for years after the relationship has cooled. However, once you have decided your thoughts, Cancer will help you have a long, deep and honest conversation about why you need to follow your own path. They're ruled by the Moon, which means they'll disappoint you super gently, and may even be open to continuing to be friends.

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Leo fire signs tend to break up with their partners in the heat of the moment, as if to end an argument or because they are completely fed up. Then, whatever you say to them next will determine whether you get a second chance or not. On the other hand, Leos are also extremely flirtatious, so they often take the time to find a few potential partners before officially ending it. They won't waste time with someone they don't see a future with, so they're happy to move on.


When Virgo gives up on their lover, they do it in the most indifferent way. As a pragmatic and rational zodiac sign, they certainly won't beat around the bush when it comes to telling you why the relationship isn't working out. In fact, Virgo may even come up with a checklist of pros and cons between you and your partner. After all, Virgo will do whatever it takes to move on with life, including leaving an inappropriate relationship. Before breaking up, they can offer some constructive criticism, then ask for helpful feedback.


As the most balanced and harmonious sign, Libra is not good at confrontation or negative emotions. They avoid conflict as much as possible, which is why initiating a breakup is difficult for this air sign. Libra will wait for you to finish things or will slowly withdraw, hoping the other person will realize it themselves. When the relationship ends, they will breathe a sigh of relief and then they will do whatever they can to remain friends.


The only way for a Scorpio to end a relationship is to burn it down. This water sign is very intense as well as emotional, so they won't want to sit and have a friendly chat. It'll be a dramatic breakup, probably with a few sassy comments that they'll regret later. It all comes down to a strong sense of loyalty. Scorpios really have a hard time when a relationship ends, so they will then try to protect themselves by blocking their ex and going no contact, almost as if the relationship never happened.

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Sagittarius is adventurous, wild, honest, and straightforward, so it doesn't matter if you've been with them for five days or five years: If they decide it's over, it's over, and it's fast. quickly move on like a true fire sign. With Sagittarius, love affairs often end because they want to meet new people and despise being tied down. If they don't feel 100% in the relationship, they may break up with you impulsively without much explanation.


When Capricorn wants to break up, they will organize an important meeting in the form of a date at a coffee shop. “We need to talk” is something this earth sign likes to say. When you meet face to face, they will be extremely frank. Capricorns are honest, pragmatic and logical in everything they do, and this also extends to romance or partnerships. They don't want to waste time, so they will set up a specific separation plan such as dividing assets.


As one of the strangest signs, Aquarius tends to end a relationship by gradually distancing themselves, becoming difficult to approach from the moment they feel things cannot be saved. At first, you may not notice anything different, after all, Aquarius is also aloof from time to time. But then the hours turn into days, then into weeks, and - boom - suddenly you realize you've officially been dumped.


Pisces ends the love affair with a wave of tears. They are the most sensitive and empathetic signs, so they find breakups really difficult, especially if they are the one who initiated it. If forced to take the initiative to end it, there will be a lot of tears and a lot of conversations and goodbye hugs. This is also the reason why Pisces almost never rest after a breakup. They will text you the next day to make up or discuss their feelings, so expect some confusing back and forth as Pisces needs a lot of time to heal.


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