
Numerology: Know Your Purpose Through Numbers

Learn how numerology influences our lives and how it can provide insight into our nature, personality and life purpose.

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As time goes by, numbers and their patterns have been studied from various angles including the spiritual meaning of numbers, and although numerology is known by many as a way to guide our steps, its spiritual vision it is also important.

According to spiritualist Katrina Deville, spiritual numerology is a practice that assigns meaning and influence to numbers in our lives and understanding of the universe. It combines elements of numerology, which is the study of numbers and their relationship to individual characteristics, with broader spiritual concepts. From the numbers that are revealed, spiritual numerology seeks to interpret the meaning behind them. This may involve analyzing a person's personal characteristics, challenges, opportunities and life purposes.

With this calculation in hand, it is possible to gain insights into who we are, what our purpose is and how we can evolve spiritually. Spiritual numerology can also be used as a tool for personal guidance.

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Photo: Playback/Freepik


In numerology there are different ways to find your ruling number, however, to discover your spiritual number the only thing you need is the complete date of birth. Add all the numbers of your date of birth and the result will be your spiritual number. That is, if you were born on 8/25/1990, the count becomes: 2+5+0+8+1+9+9+0 = 34. Thus, you add: 3+4= 7. As a result, the spiritual number is 7.


Number 1: Undoubtedly the beginning of it all, the number 1 is seen as a symbol of unity; singularity; initiation and leadership. In addition, it also represents both connection with the divine and the connection between all beings and spirituality.

Numbers 2: As much as the number 2 is related to balance, it also represents duality; harmony and cooperation. Likewise, he also exerts great power over our relationships, and brings the idea that spiritual enlightenment will only be achieved with balance between things (material and spiritual, mind and heart, masculine and feminine energy).

Number 3: This number is linked to spirituality, 3 is seen by many as a sacred number. Thus he represents creation; expression; expansion; joy and communication.

In addition to its importance in the Holy Trinity, the number 3 is related to communication with spirituality and the union between body, mind and spirit.

Number 4: Just like number 3, 4 is considered a very important number as it is connected with the 4 elements of nature (earth, fire, water and air) and the 4 directions (north, south, east and west). In addition, he also represents stability; security; organization; discipline and hard work.

Number 5: Certainly it is seen by many as the number of change, however, 5 is also linked to transformation; freedom, adventure and growth. In this way, the 5 represents a spiritual evolution, and many believe that when it appears several times it is because the time has come to accept the changes in your path.

Number 6: Despite being linked to the union between the divine and the earthly, the number 6 also represents balance; harmony; family and responsibility. Likewise, he is linked to compassion and love, both romantic and fraternal.

Number 7: Considered a mystical number, 7 is linked to the chakras. In addition, he also represents the pursuit of knowledge, perfection, spiritual connection and wholeness. Likewise, it can be interpreted as a sign that you should follow your intuition regarding your goals, as you are on the right path.

Number 8: Despite being often associated with the ability to balance contradictory aspects, the number 8 is also linked to prosperity; abundance; manifestation of desires and justice. The number 8 has a connection with Karma, and represents the idea that all our actions have consequences, and we cannot escape them.

Number 9: Considered the number of completion, 9 is linked to cycles; life purpose; goals and start over. Because of its relationship to the end of cycles, 9 is also seen as a number of learning and new beginnings, as a result, it also connects with spiritual wisdom.


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