What rituals to practice on this New Moon in Taurus
On May 7th, a New Moon in Taurus marks the end of eclipse season and symbolizes a new birth. We take stock with the Moonly astrologers.
The rare combination of Mercury Retrograde and eclipses in the sign of Pisces provided an opportunity to delve into the depths of our destiny, our subconscious and the history of the soul and kinship. Those who experienced the events of March-April, who learned valuable lessons from them, who experienced unpleasant feelings and who continued to believe in the best, will now be able to engage in the world a whole new level.
The New Moon of May 7th could bring a rapid renewal in life: the very sign of Aries tells us this, and in addition, there is an aspect of Saturn in Aquarius. However, there is a strong presence of an aquatic and mystical element, with Mars, the ruler of Aries, positioned in Pisces with the North Node Rahu, Neptune and Mercury. And if we look closer, both the Sun and the Moon are influenced by Scorpio during this New Moon. This indicates the subconscious, underlying karmic layer of events that will actively affect external affairs. Mental attitudes, ancestral scenarios, past actions and personal energy will dictate the evolution of events. The symbol of the New Moon encompasses the themes of childbirth, birth, the passage between the world of the living and the world of the dead and transformation. We must therefore prepare ourselves for intense emotions and sensations, for awareness ; new horizons will be revealed, both in the inner and outer world.
The New Moon focuses on the key areas of life: family, the inner child, basic financial well-being, life purpose, and dreams. Now is not the time to reveal all your plans, to spend time with people or places that do not align with your core values, nor to invest energy where there will be no gratitude in return. This period teaches us to use our inner resources wisely, to recognize what truly regenerates our energy and to channel it accordingly.
What rituals should you put in place?
Wash your hair, style it, consider experimenting with hairstyles with waves or flowers, and let your appearance bring you joy.
Meditate for the transformation of internal mental attitudes and the visualization of your ideal future . Practice the art of filling every aspect of yourself, every dark corner, with love and beauty, as well as the practice of prosperity and well-being. Create a wish board and sketch out an outline of your projects. Bring home flowers, fruits and perfumes. Give gifts to women, especially mothers, daughters and single mothers. Consider donating to charitable organizations.
Emotions and passions may run high, but now is not the time to argue. It is best to refresh yourself by washing with cold water or bathing in bodies of water, refrain from speaking hastily or jumping to conclusions, and adopt the classic methods that help to refresh and return to the point of awareness and stability.