
What will the 12 constellations do when drama occurs?

"Another day, another drama" and each zodiac sign will have a different reaction, whether in business groups or in real life. Let's see how each zodiac sign handles drama.

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Each zodiac sign reacts differently to friend drama, whether in group chats or in real life. There are people who will work as psychologists, quietly standing on the sidelines and observing or leaving to protect their own peace, and then, of course, there are also people who immediately look for popcorn and gobble it all up.

According to astrologer Solaris the High Priestess, how a person reacts to friend drama can be due to a variety of factors including rulers, planetary influences, and personality traits associated with one's zodiac sign. Surname. For example, fire signs like Aries, Leo and Sagittarius tend to be more passionate and impulsive with drama, as they will tend to initiate or participate in arguments.

If there is drama, air signs are more likely to be the peacemaker. They are the people who know exactly what to say to get things right. Meanwhile, if the conversation becomes dramatic, the water sign will quietly walk away as if not interested. When emotions run high, they tend to step back until things calm down. Earth signs may show their attitude, or leave like water signs.

Let's see how each zodiac sign deals with drama.

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When the vibe in your group is gone, Aries can't help but speak up. As a fire sign, you're assertive and direct when expressing your opinions and feelings, and that means you're not afraid to tackle problems head-on instead of waiting to see what happens, and start asking questions as well as giving advice. Sometimes things go smoothly, other times you make the situation "more" and before you know it, the drama is bigger.


As an earth sign that values ​​stability above everything else, Taurus is the type to slowly back away as soon as there's drama. When it's over, you reappear. When the weather is good, you will step in and try to reconcile any misunderstandings. But if the conflict starts to become too much to bear, you'll shut up and do whatever you can to preserve the peace. If anyone wonders where you've been, you're probably at home denying all the drama.


As a sign ruled by communication planet Mercury, you always know what to say when your friends are upset. Gemini is best at dispelling drama in a fun, sociable way. With just one sentence, you will make everyone laugh and forget what happened. That said, as an air sign, you live for drama and gossip. If there's anyone who's secretly enjoying a fun group chat, it's you. You'll want to know all the details about who said what and who's mad at whom, and you'll keep talking about it for weeks.


As a water sign, you run away at the first sign of trouble. Cancer is very sensitive and empathetic, which is why any kind of conflict makes you extremely uncomfortable. To protect your feelings, you will stay silent in group chats or skip meetings, especially if someone says something that makes you feel uncomfortable because to you, drama is meaningless. However, Cancer is known for resolving conflicts with compassion and empathy, so if you discover something is wrong with a close friend, you'll reach out to try to fix things.

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As a fire sign, you get caught up in drama like no other. Leos have strong personalities and tend to be more expressive when listening to interesting gossip. You'll want to know all the details as soon as possible, mainly to know which side you should be on. Because you're so passionate and confident, you're also the person people turn to when they need support. You don't hesitate to tell the truth, letting them know that you will always support them.


Virgo is an earth sign famous for being practical and calm. You approach friend drama based on logical thinking as well as looking for practical solutions. Should you and a friend get together to talk in person? Is everyone mad because they need a snack? As the team's psychologist, you always know exactly what needs to happen to make things right. That also means, you only have enough patience for a certain level of chaos. If the drama is too much or too persistent, you will not hesitate to let it all go.


Libra is definitely the peacemaker of the zodiac. You seek balance and fairness in every relationship. When drama starts going in a bad direction, the first thing you think of is to organise a meeting so everyone can speak their minds and then resolve things. As an air sign represented by the balance, you will not rest until order is restored.


You never know how to act when there's drama. On one hand, you will stand up for yourself and your friends, often with a perfect response. Because you value loyalty above all else, you tend to be defensive and reactive when things go wrong. On the other hand, if the drama is too intense, the water energy will make you want to run away. You will put it all away and hide in a more relaxing space.

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As a fire sign, Sagittarius is extremely straightforward when dealing with drama. You have no problem being blunt or pointing out misinformation, although you try to diffuse it with a little humor. If you need to talk to a friend about something, you'll invite them out for coffee, look them straight in the eye, and express your opinion. People come to you because they know you'll give them an honest opinion, so don't be surprised if you're called upon to be a mediator.


Capricorn actually does not like conflict. As an earth sign, you don't have time for arguments, 'ghosting' or any other shenanigans. If you encounter a dramatic situation that is too childish, you will show a disregard attitude and continue with what you are doing. Nine times out of ten, you will watch the play unfold with a skeptical eye. However, the tenth time is when you come in and say exactly what everyone needs to hear to relax. As one of the old souls in the zodiac, you tend to radiate a calm and assertive energy.


As a water sign, Aquarius values ​​open and fair communication. That's why you approach friend drama with logic and peaceful solutions. You'll pick up a friend's phone, come up with the perfect answer to settle the argument, you'll even hit send. You are happy to act as a mediator for others, and you try to approach things from an objective perspective.


Pisces, how you react to friendship drama depends on the severity of the problem. If it's just a small conflict, you'll be willing to step in with compassion, care, and advice. However, if things get messy, you won't hesitate to run away. Conflict makes water signs in general extremely uncomfortable. Pisces in particular always want everyone to be happy and harmonious. If things get too heated in a group chat, you'll quickly put your phone down and take a break.


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