Why is it so important to live in rhythm with the Moon?
Experts shed light on the Moon's impact and why it's crucial to be aware of it.
The Universe is full of mysteries and puzzles, and one of the most fascinating is the Moon , our closest cosmic neighbor . Its gravitational force influences our existence in many ways: tides, atmospheric pressure, climate, the speed of rotation and the tilt of our planet. All of these elements combine to create conditions favorable to life as we know it. Since time immemorial, humans have noticed that lunar cycles have an impact not only on their environment, but also on their bodies, minds and feelings. To understand and take into account this influence , they have established the lunar calendar .
Moon and emotions
The lunar phases , from new moon to full moon and vice versa, have a major influence on our emotions and energy. During the new moon, we often experience a drop in energy , increased fatigue, and a reduced willingness to act. Sleep is heavier and longer, making it more difficult to wake up in the morning. We tend to turn to our inner world, which can lead to feelings of melancholy and introspection. The full moon brings a surge of energy and strength , a desire for activity and new challenges, as well as heightened emotionality. It can awaken deep subconscious programs, leading to increased anxiety. Sleep becomes more shallow and shorter. Highly sensitive and empathic people may feel particularly anxious during this time.
Understanding the connection between our emotional state and the current moon phase allows us to accept and manage our feelings, and to treat ourselves with more kindness. This helps us to plan our activities more thoughtfully and to make decisions in harmony with our feelings.
Moon and nutrition
Our well-being is largely conditioned by our lifestyle . This includes what we eat, our work and rest habits, our sleep, but also having a refuge space. Food represents the first source of energy and vitality for our body. In order to maintain a balance, it is beneficial to establish a correlation between our diet and the energy variations observed during the different lunar phases .
During the first week of the lunar month, the body stores essential micronutrients for the month ahead. It stores resources, without the need to restrict food intake. During the second week, the body begins a process of purification and detoxification. It is therefore essential to maintain regular hydration with pure water and follow a lighter diet. During the third week, the body enters a phase of self-healing. It initiates a regenerative process that requires a more indulgent approach to oneself. During the fourth week, the body undergoes a complete purge. This is the ideal time to give yourself quality care and rest.
Moon and Haircuts
Since the dawn of time, people have cut their hair according to the lunar calendar . Certain days influence the health and growth of hair follicles . Depending on the energy specific to each phase, these days will be considered favorable, neutral or unfavorable for cutting hair.
Choosing an auspicious day for a haircut promotes their health, accelerates their growth and maintains the body's energy balance. Neutral days are characterized by their stability, without any significant positive or negative influence. On the other hand, cutting your hair on an unfavorable day can slow down their growth or impair their quality. It is also not recommended during the new and full moon. The lunar calendar of haircuts also takes into account the position of the Moon in different signs of the zodiac, as well as special lunar days and many other factors.
Moon and plants
The Moon influences the growth, development and flowering of plants . Since the dawn of time, man has been gardening, cultivating and maintaining his plants according to the lunar calendar. It is advisable to sow and plant during the waxing phase. This is because it promotes the growth of roots and aerial parts. In the light of the moon, the soil absorbs moisture better, making the full and new moon phases ideal for rooting or root care activities. Pruning during the waxing phase promotes growth, while pruning during the waning phase allows plants to retain their shape longer. The gravitational pull of the Moon impacts the moisture levels of groundwater and soil, which impacts plant nutrition.
Moon and Women's Health
Moon phases also greatly influence the menstrual cycle . Pain and emotionality are heightened during the full moon. Synchronizing your cycle with the phases can help regulate emotional fluctuations and physical sensitivity. This approach contributes to overall well-being, psychological balance, and healthier interactions with yourself and others.
Like the weather, the Moon's energy can change and fluctuate. Understanding these fluctuations allows us to adjust and respond more appropriately to our needs.