Dynamic view: Hale Larisa
Addressing social media from different aspects of life, Hale Larisa interprets the golden rule of life as staying positive.
Do you think there is a perception of beauty created or imposed on us by social media?
Both yes and no. There is a different perception of beauty for every period in the world rather than social media. Of course, social media makes this perception more visible. However, very good content is produced on the concept of 'loving yourself'. No life or body is smooth. This should be kept in mind when using social media.
Our profiles actually allow us to express ourselves. What kind of messages do you like to give through your profile?
The golden key to my life is staying positive. In any case, under any circumstance. If you like to drink coffee in rainy weather, raining that day will make you happy. But if you've planned to camp, the rain can bother you. In fact, the rain is always the same. What makes a situation different is the meaning we attach to it. I care about reflecting and reminding the beautiful points of life in all my posts. Joy and beauty are contagious, I think.
Do you think influencer is a profession or is it a hobby for you?
I am originally an electronics engineer. However, life somehow carried me to the process of becoming an influencer. And yes, I definitely see this as work. To produce content continuously, to follow innovations, to maintain discipline and to inspire people. It definitely requires diligence. I can only imagine how easy it looks from the outside. However, it creates a serious effort and overtime in the background. You must really love this job.
When you think about the differences between the digital world and the real world, what bothers you the most?
Artificial intimacy. Because in my opinion, digital media is the most effective tool to spread beauty quickly. Using it to create an artificial image seems to me like making room for falsehood. I am one of those who believe that sincerity should be a common element between the real and digital world.
Do you think we may encounter a different social media platform in the coming years?
Of course, why not? The era is changing very fast. I believe that Instagram will always maintain the strong position it has acquired. However, new platforms will definitely be added. Because the main thing on Instagram is to stay 'new'.
What criteria do you pay attention to when accepting your projects and collaborations?
First of all, of course, it is important that it is permeable to me. I know what my audience likes and dislikes. I don't like to present something that I don't trust, that I don't really believe in. I make sure that it is reasonable, realistic and accessible. If we pretend to believe in something we don't believe in, the whole process will lose its meaning, right?