How To Utilise The Widely Anticipated Jupiter Uranus Conjunction
We have a once in a lifetime astrological event this week.
One that offers electrifying breakthroughs, massive expansion, surprises and quantum leaps into our futures. That is if we are prepared to make the most of the opportunities and be open to the truth that we are limitless creators and have infinite possibilities available to us.
That means removing the layers of programming, conditioning, limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, unhelpful patterns and repetitive stories that mask that truth hidden underneath. We are the only thing that stands in our way of truly believing this and achieving the incredible.
‘Just because something has never been done before, does not mean that it is not possible. It takes belief and courage.’ This is the message of the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction on Saturday 20th April. This combination merges the energies of innovation and our future wishes with faith and good fortune.
It is a conjunction that happens once every 14 years, but what’s particularly noteworthy about this one is that it takes place within the New Moon Eclipse lunar cycle of Aries that began last week, and the planets merge within the constellation of Taurus - the sign representing love, money and our values, which has not happened for over 80 years.
The exact conjunction is on 20th April and while this will be when the energy is at its most potent, it is already present and starting to build, it will then continue for the next few weeks after the exaction.
I want you to pay particularly close attention to 17th April until 8th May. Put these dates in your diary now because what takes place during these 3 weeks and what you intentionally bring forward with your thoughts, words and actions will have the two planets of breakthroughs and abundance on your side. By doing this you can fast forward your future into the present with electrifying speed.
I am talking about wild and surprising opportunities in the money markets, going viral on social media, unexpected luck, lottery wins, surprising job opportunities that expand your horizons, business offers that blow open a completely new and aligned direction, meeting soulmates that present previously unbelievable experiences and fortune, breakthroughs in communication, spiritual ascension and epiphanies, and other-worldly healing gifts being revealed.
Sounds too good to be true, a little bit wild and woo-woo? That’s right, the weird and wonderful is exactly what this transit brings. It’s time to let your imagination take flight beyond the impossible dream. One thing that is certain when it comes to big Uranus transits, is that we never know what to expect, so why not take advantage of its potential?
Now that I’ve laid out the background and what we can achieve during the Uranus and Jupiter transit when we meet the energy that is presented for us, let’s dig a little deeper.
They meet in the constellation of Taurus, and this has not happened for over 80 years, making it a once-in-a-lifetime event.
Taurus is the constellation and zodiac that represents love, money and values. Taurus makes things real and tangible. It is the sign that takes the initial spark of an idea by Aries and brings it into form. So when the planet of innovation and quantum leaps (Uranus) meets the lucky planet of faith and abundance (Jupiter) in the sign of tangible worth, possessions and what we value (Taurus), we enter a portal of creating massive opportunities that can easily become reality.
What’s more, we are in the Eclipse energy of Aries - a time of fated fresh beginnings. Eclipse energy is the wild card when fate takes over and we are presented with a crossroads. It can be a confusing time where we feel the importance of big decisions that need to be made. Our intuition speaks loudly to us now, and it can feel overwhelming because these decisions take us away from our comfort zone. However, our soul knows the route to take, even if our ego wants to keep things just as they are. The current lunar cycle began last week with an eclipse, so we may still be feeling the uncertainty of where we are heading. This is not the best time to be making hard and fast decisions as things continue to fall into place behind the scenes. The best thing we can do is wait it out and see what unfolds in full trust that things are working out. Eclipses teach us important lessons about surrender and trust - if ever there is a time to practice this, it is during eclipse season.
So, we are already in the wild portal of fated change as the Uranus and Jupiter conjunction in Taurus begins, and this will not settle until we reach the next New Moon in Taurus on 8th May. A beautiful new lunar cycle that has the potential to bring forth the good fortune that is opening for us while things feel uncertain and unclear.
Of course, there are two sides to everything in the realm of duality in which we reside - the light and the dark. We can not exist without the other, so there is a murky side to the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction too. It is destabilizing and explosive, and we are likely to see more ominous situations arise globally. Uranus in Taurus can create seismic activity - we have already seen this with the recent unusual earthquakes, and Jupiter is an amplifier, making everything bigger and more powerful. Taurus represents land and our earthly resources, as we continue to witness rising and continued tension between warring states. Then we have the money markets, and in particular, Bitcoin - the wild and futuristic alternative currency - reaching all-time highs just before the much anticipated 4-year halving (that actually takes place during the Uranus Jupiter conjunction), when it is likely to rocket, followed by the alternative crypto market.
With all that said, there is an opportunity for us all to be part of the change and create a seismic shift of our own towards what may seem utterly impossible, and that is more peace and harmony around the globe.
Here are some snapshot reminders of how to positively expand during the next few weeks
- Practice trust and surrender that everything is working out
- Use your thoughts, words and actions wisely
- Imagine the future you and start being that version of you a little bit every day
- Pay attention to the opportunities, conversations and people you meet now
- Remember your limitless potential and that you are part of something much greater
- If you are guided in a direction that ignites your passion (even if it feels crazy) go explore
- When it feels like everything is falling apart, remember that it is falling into place