
Destiny Revealed: The New Moon Eclipse Conjunct Chiron, The Wounded Healer

Monday’s Solar Eclipse in Aries is the ultimate reset of 2024. However, you may not be feeling that fresh, bold, new beginnings shift just yet. We have a few weeks of cosmic upsets to sidestep first.

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Photo by Michael Tomlinson.

The Eclipse closed the two week Eclipse Season that began with a Full Moon Eclipse in Libra on March 25th and completed with the April 8th New Moon Eclipse in Aries.

Even though this highly anticipated cosmic event has passed, the aftershocks of the season will rumble on throughout the current 28 day lunar cycle that began with Monday’s Eclipse. Plus, we have some very racy transits with the other planets during this cycle too.

So, hold on to your heads folks, we are not in the clear just yet. We will continue navigating erratic cosmic energy with a lot of shifts happening behind the scenes and us being left in that uncomfortable space of not knowing WTF is happening in our lives as we reach crossroads and pivot points, searching for hidden answers.

Some astrologers are predicting literal aftershocks with more earthquakes like the one we saw in New York last week. Seismic shifts are common with powerful eclipses like this. The normal exchange of energy between the Sun, Moon and Earth is disrupted, and this impacts everything and everyone.

If you’ve been feeling irritable, emotional, overwhelmed or confused, if your sleep is disturbed with vivid dreams and restlessness, or your mind has been racing, you’ve had headaches, body aches and sore throat… This is most likely due to the eclipse season.

Eclipse are cosmic disruptors. They bring permanent change and fated happenings.

These changes are a lot for our bodies to handle and can leave us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. What is happening beyond the physical and emotional symptoms is preparing us for our next evolution.

New Moons are usually a time for introspection and setting intentions but this one has a different quality, thanks to the wild card eclipse, the zodiac sign it was in, plus its other unique qualities.

This is the first New Moon Eclipse of the astrological year, in the first sign of the zodiac - Aries. Aries is the first of the four Cardinal signs that kick off the four seasons, and it is the first of the three fire signs. Aries is the firestarter - excitedly igniting the spark of creativity. It is the energy of risk and entrepreneurship. It has the spirit of a pioneer.

Monday’s Eclipse involved the Sun and Moon in Aries, in an exact conjunction with asteroid Chiron, also known as The Wounded Healer. The North Node of destiny, Mercury Retrograde and Venus are also in Aries.


This is a lot of energy that quickens the pace, igniting fresh starts, bold moves and new ideas. It brings an abundance of inspiration and speed. Plus, with the Eclipse Season having an energetic imprint of dissolving and removing what no longer serves us, it creates the space for those initial flames to grow into a full blown fire.


Aries is also ruled by the planet Mars. Mars is the God of War, so those initial flames could be aggressive, angry, frustrated and once sparked, difficult to control.


When we want to move forward with new ideas, and can not see the way through or it's blocked somehow our internal energy can rise up as frustration and anger. We can thank Mercury Retrograde for this combination. Along with oppressive Saturn conjunct Mars - the ruling planet of this Eclipse - which is creating a sense of wanting to move on quickly, but being delayed by responsibility and commitments.


We just may have to be patient and wait a bit longer for a resolution until Mercury - the planet of communication and thought processes stations direct April 25th. At least until then, the perfect clarity of mind to know which pathways are opening up for us, and which are dead ends will evade us.


Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is playing a significant role in this Eclipse and throughout the astrology of April. It is exactly conjunct the Sun and Moon, which means the energy of all three merge together as if one. There is great capacity for us to heal old hurts that keep us stuck in the past. Healing is not linear and not always a pleasant process. It is necessary to move through the pain in order for it to be healed. And, as the eclipse has a dissolving quality, this healing can happen more quickly as we are encouraged by Aries to step more boldly into our individual power.


Once the Moon and Sun move away from Chiron in the coming days, Mercury back spins to meet the asteroid on April 14th, assisting us to review and reassess decisions we have made over the past 3 months, initiating further healing. This will potentially present in the form of new insights or important conversations. Then, on April 21st, Venus and Chiron meet to establish a renewal of what and who we value that has been revealed to us during Eclipse Season. This is on the same day we begin Taurus Season - just before the next revealing Full Moon in intense and probing Scorpio. 

April is proving to be the most challenging month of 2024. I have been reminding my clients and myself this on a daily basis since March. The cosmic activity this month initiates valuable lessons of trust and surrender. There is incredible peace to be found when we surrender to what is taking place, or can sit in the uncomfortable emotions of not knowing. It may not feel good but it does not harm us. In fact, the more we can accept uncomfortable emotions and find peace in surrender, the more resilience we achieve, and that resilience enables us to reach our fullest potential.

So instead of trying to maintain control by searching for solutions and answers, seek out surrender. Find ways to relax your nervous system by resting, stretching your body, playing, keeping hydrated, adoring yourself and watching for the magic to reveal itself.

I can assure you that if you pay attention, the magic will find you.

Alicia Orre is an Astrology Empowerment Coach living in Ibiza. She uses her unique combination of coaching, astrology and intuitive gifts to empower others to be greater at who they are.

Collect your free Full Moon meditation here 

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Learn more about Alicia here 

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