Why Every Decent Astrologer Is Excited About The Month Of May
May 2024 is the month that keeps on giving! We are two weeks in and there has been a surge of optimism, good fortune and pleasurable social activities taking shape, just as the Ibiza Summer season begins warm up.
With forward momentum replacing plans that had previously stalled, holidays are now getting booked and negotiations are being rubber-stamped. There are grand openings, soft launches, collaborations and causes to celebrate. Summer is finally here, and from what I can see in astrology, it’s going to be an extra fabulous one!
Just this weekend, you may have been lucky enough to see the incredible sightings of the Aurora Borealis that were spotted across the skies of our magical isle, as an enormous solar flare storm showered light codes towards our planet. It is as if the Universe wanted to prove without any doubt about the fortunate and expansive opportunities we are surrounded by right now!
Astrologically, the planet Uranus is responsible for surprise storms, unusual seismic activity, and such like. Is it a coincidence that last weekend the planet met with the Sun in Taurus (the sign that rules nature) at the time of the astonishing natural light displays? I think not.
If you are not yet feeling an uplift in joy or are questioning how you can switch your year up a gear, I have good news for you.
Get ready, because this Saturday 18th May is another one of my favourite dates in the calendar that I have been red circling for all of my clients.
It is the second of my three lucky dates of May 2024 that I am excited to tell you about! (Hint: The third date is next week, so look out for my article about that).
The cosmic starmap this Saturday is definitely one to look forward to. In fact, while Saturday is when the energy I’m about to explain is at its strongest, it will be around all weekend so pay attention to who you meet! If you do only one thing this weekend, promise me you will make an extra effort to accept social invitations and mingle. Especially if it is for something out of the ordinary as you are probably going to find yourself in the right place at the right time.
There are several planetary placements that combined will create an electrifying and fortunate energy. This is a weekend that is so ripe for surprises and exciting happenings is it too incredible to miss.
Here is what is happening.
First up, we have Venus and Uranus meeting up in Taurus. When these two come together they bring surprising and unconventional people or opportunities into our lives. These meetings can be fleeting but meaningful. They are designed to shake us out of our comfort zones in inspiring and expansive ways. You may find yourself among people you don’t usually mix with or having conversations with strangers that spark creative ideas and breakthroughs in awareness. Venus is the planet of love, romance and wealth, so be prepared to meet the love of your life, your soulmate best friends, or creative and business partners with opportunities that seem too good to be true! When Uranus is involved, they might just be. Uranus carries a vibe that is here for a good time not a long time. Don’t let that put you off… It does not mean that these relationships won’t be impactful and incredible, nonetheless.
Then, we have the Sun and Jupiter conjunct, also in Taurus. This amplifies optimism and hope for the future, bringing a very, very positive vibe. Splurge Alert: These two coming together can potentially be a little too optimistic or indulgent so watch for overspending, overeating, or over doing things generally. There is no question that we are all going to be in an excitable mood this weekend, which means we can easily get carried away!
Next up, we have passionate Mars conjunct the North Node of fate that can motivate us to bravely race ahead with ideas that open up a pathway towards our soul purpose. This can have us feel a clear sense that we are heading in the right direction.
All of these aspects taking place on Saturday create a day with huge potential for our personal futures. If you took the time to plan your intentions for this month at last week’s New Moon in Taurus, you may just find yourself in an unexpected and favourable situation that helps you get closer to your goals in surprising and exciting ways.
This starmap has incredible potential for unconventional plans and collaborations, helping you with a broadening of perspectives that you may not have considered before. A totally new way of achieving things. These collaborations can lead to you building financial security that grows suddenly and unexpectedly.
Look out for opportunities that happen through social media networks or tech collaborations and your wider global network, as Uranus rules over those areas too. And, as it’s all taking place in the constellation of Taurus, we can expect whatever happens to have a long term impact on our finances and personal relationships, even if the people involved don't hang around for that long.
Ultimately, this is a day when we want to be paying attention to the surprising situations or people we come into contact with. While they may not feel important at the time, they could make a huge indelible mark on our future so make the most of it by saying YES!