
Reap The Rewards Of The Sagittarius Full Moon

I know I keep harping on about how May is the best month of 2024, and it (or I) are not done yet.

On Thursday, it is the Full Moon but this is not just any old Full Moon. It’s arguably the luckiest we will see this year!

nature night outdoors astronomy moon full moon
Photo by Jack Taylor

If you are fortunate enough to be in Ibiza, I recommend getting outside to watch it rise just after the sun sets and take in this breathtaking, magical sight with your own eyes. For extra impact allow it to amplify your desires as it does so.

This will happen at 9.30pm to the East - directly opposite the sun.

This Full Moon is in the constellation of Sagittarius. The ruling planet of this Full Moon is Jupiter which is about to complete its transit in the constellation of Taurus where it has been for a year, and will not return for another 12 years.

Jupiter is partly responsible for May being so important this year. May belongs to Taurus Season and with Jupiter already in the constellation, it’s been joined by a brigade of other planets concentrating the energy on everything that Taurus represents to us; love, values, wealth, resources and stability. Basically, the things that are most important to us!

This stable energy has been much needed following the destabilization brought by the eclipses in March and April.

So why am I explaining about Jupiter in Taurus when the Full Moon is in Sag?

Because we look to the placement of the ruling planet of Sagittarius (that’s Jupiter) to help us understand the likely outcome of this Full Moon. Will it be mostly positively or negative?

Jupiter is one of the two beneficial planets of our solar system. The other being Venus - the ruler of Taurus. Wherever these two planets go we usually find good times, fortunate opportunities, harmony and goodwill, romantic gestures, and lots of pleasurable social activities.

Venus has joined Jupiter in the constellation of Taurus this May, which is another big reason why May has been so important (and lovely). 

At the Full Moon these two harmonious planets reach the final degree of the Taurus constellation, also known as the anaretic degree - where the fullest concentration of the sign is felt most.

Before they leave Taurus to transit Gemini, they are likely to reward us for whatever we have intended and worked hard at over the past year, and especially since the Sagittarius New Moon in December. Think back to around the 13th December 2023 - what goals and intentions were you planning and putting into action? These are likely to come into fruition now, or expand in some way. This Full Moon marks a culmination point in the astrological calendar of that New Moon five months ago.

What has come into form and is on its way that you have been wanting? It’s time to celebrate those achievements!

Full Moons are known for revealing things that have been hidden from sight. They bring news, inner awareness, and fluctuating emotions. It can be a time of celebration and bounty (like this one) or an emotional rollercoaster revealing our true feelings.

That’s not to say this one does not bring some opposition. Especially if we go into it with the expectation that no effort is required to make the most of any opportunities that are surrounding us, do not take the aligned action towards our intentions or be our best version of ourselves.

We could fall prey or get drawn into indulging in idle gossip and over-thinking, temptations and distractions (likely by fabulous social gatherings and invitations!), laziness and self obsession. These are all lower frequency characteristics of the Venus Jupiter conjunction and this Full Moon combined.

This is a Moon that holds greater wisdom and teachings for all of us. There is always a letting go element to Full Moons. If we are to receive the bounty offered with this one, that expands us into a higher level of worthiness, love and wealth, we first have to acknowledge and allow the outdated versions of us to fall away. As this Full Moon draws near, stay curious about what holds your attention, and how you may be preventing yourself from your own expansion, while finding the time to celebrate everything that is wonderful and already exists in your life.

Full Moon Blessings!

Alicia Orre is an Astrology Empowerment Coach living in Ibiza. She uses her unique combination of coaching, astrology and intuitive gifts to empower others to be greater at who they are.

Collect your free Full Moon meditation here 

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Learn more about Alicia here 

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