TikTok's new trend: Morning People
We talk about what you need to know about TikTok's 'Morning People' trend and what you can do as a 'Morning Person'.
Some of us may not be born natural morning people, but we all have the power to change our mindset and habits. All you need to transform yourself into an early bird is practice and a positive attitude.
What kind of preparation does it take to become a morning person?
We don't know if it needs to be said, but it's worth repeating. The first condition for waking up refreshed and rested in the morning is to set an early bedtime. It is important that your cell phone and computer are out of reach in the environment you sleep in, and especially never in your bed. In this way, you will have to get out of bed to turn off your phone alarm. Let us also warn you not to press the snooze button on your alarm. Getting out of bed the moment you wake up instead of lying in bed half asleep and half awake may be difficult at first, but it will increase the efficiency of your day as you get used to it. Then, you can make your bed, open your curtains and let the natural daylight in.
What to do after waking up?
Experts recommend setting a timer and starting your day with a five-minute breathing exercise, no matter where you are. Close your eyes and focus only on the deep breaths you take. You can whisper a sentence or mantra with each breath, or just focus on the space between your breaths. Even if your mind wanders and you start thinking about other things, just notice it and bring your attention back to your breath without judging it. Even if you feel tired or lazy when you wake up, you can try adding an exercise program to your morning routine. Exercising in the morning and sweating a little increases your energy and supports your productivity throughout the day. At the same time, creating a list that you can check off the next day's plans both mentally and physically during the day will make things easier for you the next morning. Don't hesitate to reward yourself when you feel like you've reached this milestone or your smaller goals. When you see that you've reached the level of getting out of bed as soon as you wake up, be sure to appreciate your new healthy habit.