
Sex & NFTs: Why they may be the future of female pleasure

The Female Pleasure Society takes women on a journey to independent living by offering holistic and web3-enabled women's health solutions. NFTs are as diverse as the definition of femininity. Vanessa Schäfer, founder of the Female Pleasure Society, is part of the power duo that wants to explode the cosmos of the modern woman, as she tells us in an interview.

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A self-determined life and the right to sexual pleasure are the "G-spots" of female empowerment and freedom. They are the basis for an independent and autonomous life. For centuries, women's sexual desire has been ignored and misunderstood by society. To combat this, a new idea of sexual pleasure for women was needed! That's exactly what someone knew how to solve: The Female Pleasure Society.

Hello Vanessa! How did the idea of founding the Female Pleasure Society come about?

Vanessa Schäfer: "Initially in the Web2 business, I was primarily concerned with supplements for female health. I was looking for and researching natural solutions against hormonal imbalances. Last year we started developing a new product as a team that was more focused on "Sexual Wellness" focuses - the libido of women. As a topic that society likes to overlook, the Female Pleasure Society has set itself the goal of tackling this taboo, breaking it and supporting female health and well-being. At the same time, it was I was already active in the NFT-Space - for me an extremely socially relevant and future-oriented technology. And from that point the journey began: to "package" and offer the supplement specially developed for women in a modern and digital way. The parallels of both worlds, female health and blockchains , are very clear to us: community, right of co-determination, transparency and decentralization. In order to be able to realize the idea, we started a funding round and fortunately got a response. With a business angel, we were then able to implement our ideas."

What does self-determined sexuality mean for the Female Pleasure Society?

Vanessa Schäfer: "Our mission is to bring sexual wellness into the mainstream: to break down taboos surrounding female desire and to normalize the way women deal with female health and women's bodies in society. This is not just about sexuality, but much more about it the topic of health and well-being . In addition, we want to enable women to stand up for their own sexuality, to talk about it, but also to learn more about it within an open and non-judgmental community. In general, we know far too little about sexuality but also about our own bodies - that's where we want to start. If we're doing well, we can also enjoy our sexuality accordingly - but also exactly the other way around. We believe that both are very closely related and also dependent on each other."

photo credits: Female Pleasure Society

What do NFTs and self-determination have in common?

Vanessa Schäfer: "NFTs are the perfect entry into Web3.0 or the next dimension. To put it more clearly: Web1.0 practically describes the beginnings of the still young Internet and the reading of content. We are in Web2.0 already "more agile" on the road, that includes social media activities. Web 3.0 is now the third generation of Internet services for web applications and includes not only co-design, but also co-determination and "ownership" - i.e. ownership of your data. With ours With NFTs, we want to enable women to find an easy entry into the NFT world on the one hand and to be part of something bigger on the other - they can have a say with us - help shape new products, the company's roadmap and important business decisions. We are closely connected to our community through NFTs, can obtain the opinions of the owners through short distances and thus even better ones, optimally tailored to the woman adapted to develop new products. Self-determination is therefore an essential cornerstone of the whole NFT idea and therefore essential for us to be part of it and take female health and strength to the next level."


How exactly does NFT ownership work at the Female Pleasure Society (FPS)?

Vanessa Schäfer: "Let's start like this: An NFT - non-fungible token - is a digital asset that represents a real object or product. NFTs are bought and sold online, often with cryptocurrency, and are usually with the same underlying software as many cryptocurrencies. The Female Pleasure Society goes NFT with their product for women. This means: As an NFT owner, you will receive the Mood & Sexuality Booster once a quarter for a full 5 years for free. As an owner, you will receive equally 30% discounts on all current and new products. The mentioned co-determination rights are an integral part of NFT ownership and in the future we would also like to offer our owners a profit share in the company."

Tell us more about the product behind the FPS-NFT!

Vanessa Schäfer: "Our Mood & Sexuality Booster is a natural, liquid and, above all, innovative dietary supplement, developed and manufactured in Germany. The female power liquid is formulated with powerful adaptogens, superfoods and vitamins, and strengthens sexual health, mood and the general Well-being. In addition, the innovative liquid formula is very easy to absorb, with no added sugar and free of artificial flavors and colorings. The liquid consists of a total of 6 natural, vegan ingredients including maca, ginseng and vitamin D, tastes fresh and is great in water dissolve. We are currently in the process of patenting the formula."

"With our NFTs, we want to enable women to find an easy entry into the NFT world and also to be a part of something bigger - they can have a say in us. Through NFTs we are closely connected to our community and can therefore access the develop products tailored to women's health."

How was the liquid tailored to the needs of women?

Vanessa Schäfer: "The recipe for the Mood & Sexuality Booster is primarily based on studies carried out on women. That was particularly challenging in the research, because the general study situation mainly provides information about studies carried out on men. I believe that with our team of experts did a great job and took a big step forward in understanding women's health to create the best possible product for our community."

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photo credit: Female Pleasure Society

Your message to all the wonderful women out there!

Vanessa Schäfer: "Do what you really believe in from the bottom of your heart - because there will be a lot of headwind - but do things differently, change them. Nobody has to follow trends. Don't let them talk you into it and believe in being able to break new ground . It is worth it!"

Female sexuality is still a taboo subject today. What challenges as a founder of the Female Pleasure Society can you tell us about?

Vanessa Schäfer: "I can actually tell you about quite a few here. Starting with the blocking of our Twitter account and the ban on social media ads through to being thrown out of various Shopify payment systems. Now we have found a provider that normally serves porn sites. We are very amazed and honestly also shocked by the stereotypes that exist not only in people's heads, but also in companies and with whom they work.We serve the sector of female health and self-determination, and are always careful to be open, inclusive and appreciative act and expect the same from our service providers. In any case, we will not be discouraged!"


Which social and economic goals would you like to achieve with the FPS in the next few years?

Vanessa Schäfer: "First of all, existing taboos and sensitivities around the topic of female sexuality and health are broken. Advance education about the woman's body and everything that is hormonally and physically related. With the experience that we are already gaining, we would like to develop and launch further products , who help women to cope better with their everyday life and to be happy. We believe in the future and thus also in Web3.0 technology, which we are incorporating even more into our business model to create a web3-based consumer brand to become."

Are other products planned?

Vanessa Schäfer: "Absolutely! We are currently in the process of involving our existing community. The topic of female health remains our focus. We look forward to what is to come!"


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