
Life on the fringe - Ibiza's bohemian bolthole.

How one man's singular creative vision created one of the island's most emblematic live-work spaces.


The wildly bohemian and ramshackle construct surrounding an ancient bus is the artwork of the Patagonian émigré Guillermo Fernandez Oriol, who arrived in Ibiza in 1978. ‘I had once been an engineer, but something inside me knew that change was coming,’ he says. ‘I dropped everything, came here and became a hippie. For a while, we took some drugs. Then, about 20 years ago, we began to practice Vipassana meditation. It changed my attitude, the way I perceive life. I think it made me a better person – still wild, but better.’ Shielded by and filled with plants, a covered terrace creates a sheltered outdoor living space filled with rugs, art, books and a bar with beer on tap. ‘This home and my life is entirely of my own creation,’ he says. ‘I have chosen a path that would not work for everyone – but, for me, it’s perfection.’

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Photography Sayana cairo
Photography Sayana cairo
Photography Sayana cairo
Photography Sayana cairo
Photography Sayana cairo
Photography Sayana cairo
Photography Sayana cairo
Photography Sayana cairo
Photography Sayana cairo
Photography Sayana cairo


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