
Ashley Park: "What I wear tells the story of the woman I am becoming"

New Pandora Global Ambassador Ashley Park stands out for her bold style, infectious good humour, and career that juggles film, television, and music. L’OFFICIEL met her to discuss fashion and jewellery.

L’OFFICIEL: When was your first fashion memory?

Ashley Park : My first introduction to fashion was expressing who you are through clothing. My love for fashion was definitely instilled in me by my mother. I remember as a child, discussing with her what clothes I wanted to wear for the week. We would create outfits together on the weekend for the week ahead, thinking about how to put the pieces together… I could almost say that this is my first fashion collaboration! (Laughs)

LO: And your first memory with Pandora ?

AP: I received a bracelet from my father, the famous bracelet that you make with charms. It is one of the first pieces of jewelry that I cherished and kept preciously in my jewelry box.

LO: How does it feel to have been named the face of the brand?

AP: It’s an honor! The Pandora team and the whole universe that revolves around the brand are wonderful.

LO: Do you have a favorite piece of jewellery from the brand?

AP: It's a tough choice! I wear Pandora jewellery every day, and I never choose the same combinations, depending on my mood, my outfits... On a daily basis, I tend to wear pieces from the Timeless collection. At the moment, I really like to adorn my ears with the Nœuds hoop earrings — which are an upcoming new product — and to have more fun, I choose rings from the brand in very small sizes to wear them on my knuckles.

LO: How do you combine your jewellery on a daily basis?

AP: Again, it all depends on where I'm going, who I'm seeing. Of course, I always have the Pandora essentials and classics that travel with me, wherever I go. However, I've noticed a change in my attitude towards jewellery: before, I didn't mix metals — either silver or gold. Today, thanks to the brand's pieces that mix metals, I'm freer in my approach to mix and match.

coat long sleeve person shoe handbag formal wear suit necklace lady high heel
Credits: Courtesy of Pandora

LO: How would you define the Pandora style in 3 words?

AP: Timeless, delicate and versatile.

LO: And yours?

AP: That’s a tough question! (Laughs) I think we’re constantly evolving in our lives, and we’re trying to find ourselves over the years. I’m in my thirties, and I notice that I’m still discovering more about myself. I’m looking for pieces that tell the story of the woman I’m becoming, rather than confining me to a specific style. I’m learning a lot about myself, so I admit that I wouldn’t be able to categorize myself so easily… (Laughs)

LO: Who are the fashion icons who inspire you on a daily basis?

AP: There are so many! The word "icon" is a heavy weight to carry for many women, I don't want to put any pressure on them by categorizing them in this way. On the other hand, I can talk about the women who inspire and guide me... the first being my mother. She has a classic and timeless style, but she is not afraid to be more daring if the event allows it. Beyond that, we are in the middle of Paris Fashion Week, and we are surrounded by so many people with ingenious ideas, whose style can quickly inspire me.

LO: Your character in Emily in Paris , Mindy, is particularly bold in her fashion and accessory choices. Are you similar to her?

AP: She is undoubtedly bold and lively, but she also follows her path in the way she wants, without worrying about "what people will say". Her deep desire for autonomy inspires me enormously.

LO: What is the best fashion advice you have ever been given?

AP: Wear clothes that make you feel good and comfortable. Being comfortable in what you wear means feeling good about yourself.

LO: Do you have a favourite place in Paris?

AP: The Marais district. I often considered it my second home.


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