Embrace Self-Love Through These Small Steps
First of all, we have to say that you deserve to feel valuable.
Unfortunately, it is true that we live in a world that inherently attaches importance to competition and instills a sense of competition. While this pressure, which appears in almost every aspect of life, creates the need to work harder, be more attractive or be more perfect, it actually determines the behavior and actions in real life, from the life you reflect on social media.
In this article, we discover the secrets of how you can live a happier life by establishing a peaceful relationship with yourself. If you are ready, let's get started.
What is self-love?
The concept of 'self-love', which basically means holding space for mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, is a choice you have to commit yourself to, just like you would any other relationship. When implementing this decision, you should be patient, not judge yourself no matter what, and show interest and compassion for yourself.
Self-love means telling yourself unconditionally that you are valuable no matter what.
To explain this situation in a few sentences for complete understanding, as long as you decide to love yourself and practice it, you are likely to make healthy decisions and choices in almost every aspect of your life. When you do not judge yourself while meeting your needs that change with your life, you prove to your brain that you are always worthy of respect and that you do not need to rely on external sources. No matter what, when you lay your head on the pillow at night, you should be your own biggest advocate.
How can you apply self-love to your mind?
You can view the process of self-love as a journey that requires time, care, and extra adjustments when necessary, and you can begin the journey by meeting your current needs through your self-love practices. Of course, even though you may encounter sharp bends on your way as your needs change day by day, it is quite possible to reach the finish line successfully as long as you are determined to love yourself.
Watch your thoughts
First, research shows that taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally through self-compassion eliminates the link between perfectionism and depression. While making small changes to the way you think can be hugely beneficial, we also recommend monitoring the way you think about what you are. By applying this method especially to your anxious and motivational thoughts, you can learn how to change these thoughts.
Another thing about this might be to show extra compassion to your inner child. Whatever your thoughts are, you should know that they are largely based on the traumas you experienced in childhood. If you want to nourish your mind and bring it to an understanding approach, we recommend you ask yourself this question, “How would you talk to your 10-year-old self?”
Check your humor
Although making fun of the feelings that make you feel bad emotionally while socialising may make you feel better by laughing at your immediate group of friends, you should know that this can become instinctive and harm you after a point. After all, your brain cannot distinguish whether the words coming out of your mouth are a joke or not.
Take time for yourself
You must have noticed how quickly the days and weeks pass in the hustle and bustle and chaos of city life. You may think that fast-paced days may make it extra difficult for you to spare time for yourself, after all, it is much easier to relieve the stress of the day by socialising. Even if you cannot devote a full day to yourself, we recommend that you spare 5-10 minutes every day in the morning, noon and night. Whether you read a book, play an instrument, or just lie down. The only thing that matters is that you make time for your own pleasure and feel better day by day.