5 Tips for Successful Implementation of your New Years Resolution
In addition to sparkling fireworks and sparkling champagne, New Year's Eve also includes New Year's resolutions! But the initial euphoria sometimes quickly turns into disappointment over the failed project. Here we show 5 tips to help you stick to your good resolutions for the New Year.
For many people, the beginning of the new year is an incentive to shed old burdens and integrate new habits into their everyday lives. Classic New Year's resolutions include doing more exercise, eating a healthier diet or giving up smoking. It is not uncommon for these resolutions to fail after a short time and you fall back into your old habits.
Setting goals for the new year comes with the desire for a better way of life in your private and/or professional life. Certain things should be changed or optimized over the course of the new year. So it's worth sticking with it and carrying out your plans in the long term.
Tip No. 1: Clearly formulate your New Year’s resolutions!
Make clear statements about what exactly you want to achieve. Do you want to lose weight? Determine how many kilograms you want to lose. This way you have a clearer view of the goal and can check progress more easily. Little psychological trick: Always formulate your resolutions positively. Because if we decide not to do something anymore, the more likely we are to do it again. In professional circles this is referred to as the “irony effect”. To avoid this, focus on the positive things you want to achieve.
Tip #2: Set achievable goals!
Set realistic milestones that will help you achieve your overall goal. For example, if your resolution is to exercise regularly , you could set small milestones like participating in a 5K run. These intermediate goals not only give you a feeling of fulfillment, but also serve as a source of motivation for the rest of your journey.
Tip No. 3: Find like-minded people!
Share your New Year's resolutions with friends or family members who have similar goals. Together you can support each other, exchange experiences and motivate each other. Whether it's doing sports together, exchanging healthy recipes or being a sparring partner when trying to quit smoking - the journey is often easier to accomplish in company.
Tip No. 4: Record successes!
Record your successes, no matter how small they may seem. Keep a journal of your progress or make a list of goals achieved. Recording successes not only boosts self-confidence, but also serves as a reminder of the hurdles you have already overcome. This positive reinforcement can help you persevere in moments of weakness.
Tip No. 5: Deal with setbacks and stick with it!
Accept that setbacks are normal and don't get discouraged. One slip does not mean the end of your efforts. Instead, analyze the causes of the setback, learn from them and adjust your strategy if necessary. Flexibility and the ability to not be discouraged by failure are crucial to sticking to your New Year's resolutions over the long term. Stay focused and remember that it's about the entire process of change, not just the end goal.
Photos: Shutterstock