With a hyper festive and decidedly cosy décor, Villa Eden in Merano offers a double menu, detox and pleasure, still tasty, and medical and aesthetic treatments to set up, or reset, a path that is attentive to the needs of the body, thinking of the present as well as the future. We start with the epigenetic test, the mapping of around 800 key markers obtained through the analysis of a few hairs, to address the most pressing needs, with injections of vitamins, minerals or other nutrients and the prescription of supplements by the doctor. Emanuele De Nobili, author of “The hormone restart diet”. And then you choose your own path, from therapy to purify yourself from heavy metals to postural training, to correct with Mirko the misalignments and compensations implemented by our body thanks to some exercises to be religiously included in your fitness routine. Try the energetic realignment with Stefan Pichler, pranotherapist and kinesiologist, who, through the channeling of the energetic flow, acts on a physical level by realigning the shoulder blades, aligning the asymmetry of the pelvis and compensating the resulting different length of the legs, positively influencing the spinal problems, with a liberating effect also on a psychological and emotional level, pushing us towards self-healing. Cell-gym (you breathe through a mask while lying on a bed) simulates training that alternates hypoxia-hyperoxia, which is also effective in reducing inflammation.
Among the aesthetic treatments there is a body cast, firming and anti-water retention, to find yourself with perfectly drained legs, the result of a decontracting massage (the one performed by Lisbelis is particularly satisfying), the application of an oil, and then of the cast, which elicits a physiological greater flow of blood with consequent disposal of toxins. Ultra relaxing, the detoxifying and nourishing body treatment, with its seaweed wrap. Among the facial treatments, radiofrequency should be tried, which stimulates the contraction and reorganisation of collagen fibres, sculpts the cheekbones and has an immediate decontracting effect on the jaw.