
Doomscrolling - Why do we keep scrolling through social media mindlessly?

Doomscrolling is more than just casual social media scrolling. It's a compulsive behavior that stems from an insatiable need for negative information.

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Have you ever found yourself scrolling through social media, absorbed in negative news, even though it makes you feel depressed and tired? This is “Doomscrolling” – a negative habit that has become common in the digital age.

But don't be fooled into thinking it's harmless. Psychological research suggests that doomscrolling can be a form of self-destruction, and if left unchecked, it can have serious consequences for our mental health. Here's how to tell if you're guilty of this habit and if it's time to stop.

What is Doomscrolling?

Doomscrolling is more than just casual social media scrolling. It’s a compulsive behavior driven by an insatiable need for negative information. In a world filled with depressing headlines and news stories, it’s hard not to get caught up in the vortex of searching for the next bad news story.

Some people are drawn to this practice out of morbid curiosity, or an unconscious need to stay informed about potential threats in their environment. This desire to seek out negative information may stem from a primal instinct to protect ourselves from danger and maintain a sense of control. However, constant exposure to negative news can take a toll on our mental health, leading to stress, depression, and feelings of helplessness.

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Others are drawn into Doomscrolling because they can’t control themselves, unable to resist the urge to constantly check social media, even though they know it’s not a good habit. Social media is inherently addictive, with algorithms designed to keep users engaged for as long as possible, making it easy for them to fall into a spiral of constant scrolling.

Additionally, the 24/7 availability of news and information online makes this behavior even more compulsive. With unlimited access to news feeds and social media, there is always something new to scroll through, making it impossible to escape this endless cycle.

Whatever the underlying motivation—a desire to seek out negative information, a loss of self-control, or being sucked into an endless stream of news—doomscrolling always leads to a pattern of negative behavior that takes a serious toll on mental health.

The Psychological Effects of Doomscrolling

Research published in the journal *Technology, Mind, and Behavior* highlights the importance of recognizing and overcoming the Doomscrolling habit. Because of the potentially negative consequences this behavior can have on mental health, researchers developed the Doomscrolling Scale—a reliable tool for identifying Doomscrolling behavior. The tool consists of 15 questions, asking participants to rate their level of agreement on a scale from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.”

  1. I'm increasingly drawn to hunting for negative news on social media.
  2. I often lose track of time when I'm absorbed in reading bad news on social media.
  3. I kept refreshing my feed, always waiting to see if something bad was going to happen.
  4. I stay up late just to find more negative news.
  5. Reading negative news on social media has become my habit.
  6. When I'm online, I always have this feeling of tension, like something bad is about to happen.
  7. I constantly feel anxious and scared when surfing the net on my device.
  8. I unconsciously check news sites, always looking for bad information.
  9. Even when the news feed told me I was fully updated, I continued to scroll in search of more negative news.
  10. I find myself caught in a spiral of negative news browsing.
  11. Every morning, I check social media to see if anything bad has happened.
  12. I feel like I'm addicted to negative news.
  13. My searches tend to make the news sources more and more negative.
  14. I was both terrified of what I saw on social media and unable to take my eyes off it.
  15. It's hard for me to stop reading negative news on social media.

Using this scale, researchers discovered common characteristics among people with Doomscrolling:

Lack of conscientiousness: People who frequently seek out negative news often lack organization and discipline, and have difficulty controlling impulses.

Reduced extroversion: They are also less sociable, tending to rely on online interactions for personal satisfaction.

Poor ability to please: Empathy and cooperation are also often lacking in these individuals, suggesting that their ability to regulate emotions is limited.

High levels of instability: Doomscrolling web surfers often have high levels of anxiety and emotional instability, and Doomscrolling behavior can become a coping mechanism to manage this distress.

Why can't we stop Doomscrolling?

You may wonder why anyone would make themselves miserable by scrolling through news that only brings sadness. In fact, doomscrolling may stem from an attempt to arm ourselves with knowledge – a desire to feel safer, more protected, or more prepared for whatever may come our way. However, when we continue to scroll through an endless stream of negative news, we are only trapping ourselves in a cycle of negativity and guilt.

We scroll through the web with a sense of helplessness, aware of all the bad things that are happening, but also burdened by the fact that we can do nothing to stop them. Doomscrolling may provide a false sense of control and security in a world of uncertainty, but in reality it only makes the world more frightening and depressing.

Finding a way out of Doomscrolling

When you’re stuck in such a self-destructive cycle, it’s important to know when to put your phone down and when to choose positive information. Remember that scrolling shouldn’t be your only tool for feeling safe or in control – sometimes simply stopping and taking in the good can make all the difference.

Photo: Getty Images, Disney x Chaos, Urban Sophistication


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