
Enhancing Well-Being with Supplements and Probiotics

Slow digestion, lack of vitamins and cramps. If you also face these problems on a daily basis, here is the guide to probiotics and natural supplements that come to the aid of our body

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What are food supplements? These are substances of various origins, often natural, which provide the nutrients necessary to complete the body's well-being, particularly when our body suffers from a nutritional deficiency or needs to fill gaps that cannot be resolved with a simple change of diet. Without prejudice to the fact that they do not replace nutrition but support it, supplements help to improve and in some cases resolve pathologies related to digestion, the lack of some fundamental vitamins and also cramps caused by irregular bowel movements or menstrual cycles. IBS syndrome , or irritable bowel syndrome, is one of the increasingly widespread pathologies currently affecting approximately 10 to 20% of the world population. Characterised by discomfort and abdominal pain due to the alteration of intestinal function, it is more frequent in periods of physical or mental stress, but thanks to supplements and research in the field of natural medicine it is possible to intervene. Proper nutrition and physical activity - but also meditation and care of our mental health - combined with supplements can reduce the syndrome. In fact, let's not forget that the intestine is defined as " the second brain " - it hosts over 200 million neurons and hundreds of billions of bacteria that influence our personality - they influence each other and influence, positively or negatively, the state of physical and emotional well-being of the person. The gut is directly connected to the release of hormones and the condition of the immune system ; the latter influenced by our stressful situations. The intestine, in addition to being the organ responsible for digestion, interacts with the microorganisms and bacteria that make up the microbiota.

>>>Let's discover together the products that help keep our intestine and microbiota in balance.

PMS Relief - AddOn mybacs (Courtesy of mybacs)
PMS Relief - AddOn mybacs (Courtesy of mybacs)
PMS Relief - AddOn mybacs (Courtesy of mybacs)
PMS Relief - AddOn and Dailybacs woman mybacs (Courtesy of mybacs)
In the first, second and third photos PMS Relief - AddOn mybacs. In the fourth photo PMS Relief - AddOn and Dailybacs donna mybacs (Courtesy of mybacs)


mybacs - Made in Germany brand born in 2018 and founded by Carl-Philip von-Polheim and Sebastian Wahl with the help of doctor Adrian Weingart - is the line of supplements that uses natural and sustainable ingredients with the aim of bringing attention on the intestinal microbiome. mybacs products balance the microbiome which contributes to the optimal use of nutrients, protects the intestinal mucosa and promotes a regular digestive process. Not only as an aid to figure and sleep rhythm for men and women, in two weeks mybacs will launch PMS Relief - AddOn, a supplement designed for women that will help relieve pain caused by the menstrual cycle thanks to chaste tree, calcium and vitamin B6 .

The presentation of the new mybacs was accompanied by an experience - thanks to Luce , a reality that believes in the power of Soul Telling through stories that highlight the soul of the brand by amplifying its essence - with a meditation session held by the yoga coach and meditation Ilaria de Moustier and a brunch with autumnal flavors curated by Giorgia Cappellotto, aka Calamarata .


Happy Mammoth

Happy Mammoth - a Made in Australia brand founded by Matthew Murphy in 2017 - was born with the aim of helping heal the "control centre" of the body, the intestine. Thanks to scientific studies, training in nutritional sciences and natural formulas, Happy Mammoth is the first Australian natural and nutraceutical company dedicated to solving the most “complex” health problems of the gut and hormonal health.

Suitable for improving the most common problems such as debilitating digestive problems, swelling and   irritable bowel syndrome, it is also suitable in times of perimenopause and menopause. Thanks to vitamins , minerals and natural substances it will be possible to reduce stress and anxiety , but also improve immune system imbalances or lack of concentration and insomnia.


Colon Broom

Colon Broom - natural supplement with herbal , vegetable and fruit extracts suitable for combating the annoying symptoms of constipation and lazy intestine - is an excellent remedy for increasing immune defenses and losing weight naturally. Composed of psyllium seed powder - a plant from India rich in soluble and insoluble fiber - it helps the regularity of the intestine by promoting intestinal transit and helping colon bacteria, acting as a probiotic. Psyllium seeds also help keep cholesterol, blood sugar and feelings of hunger under control. Present in the form of a powder supplement, it is suitable for men and women who want to improve the health of the gastrointestinal tract, it is vegan friendly and free of lactose and sugar.


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