Fluid retention: how to alleviate the problem?
A natural process and a problem that mainly affects women, fluid retention can be alleviated with these 6 simple healthy habits
Fluid retention is an old acquaintance of many women, it is a phenomenon present in different phases of the female life cycle, which occurs when the body is unable to eliminate excess fluids, which end up accumulating in tissues of the legs, ankles, hands and abdomen , bringing recurring complaints to specialists' offices.
Due to long trips, pregnancy , menstrual cycle, menopause, intense heat, long walks and many other factors, it is important to always keep your doctor visits up to date as the first step towards a routine of healthy habits .
Nutritionist Juliana Vieira gives us some tips on how to incorporate healthy habits into our eating routine to prevent bloating from recurring.
Stay hydrated!!!
The tip is so simple it seems silly, but we are basically made of water. For the body to function in perfect harmony, it needs to be lubricated like any other machine, and this results in "unnecessary" functions.
To supply water to areas of extreme need, your body stops making it available correctly to other secondary sources so that there is no shortage and this is how some dermatological and endocrine signs appear. So go fill your water bottle.
Add more natural foods into your daily life
A natural, diverse and colourful diet is a guarantee that your body is receiving a good supply of vitamins and minerals that will help you maintain hormonal and lymphatic health. Vegetables, legumes and nuts are foods that cannot be missing from your diet.
Some fruits and vegetables can facilitate this diuretic process , such as watermelon, melon, pineapple, cucumber and basil.
Add whole grains to your menu
Whole grain bread, rye bread, oat bran, wheat bran and brown rice are whole grains that contribute to the proper functioning of the intestine and also help to reduce swelling.
A healthy exchange to ensure more comfortable days at times when you already recognize that swelling occurs.
Avoid ultra-processed and sodium-rich foods
Foods that contain excess sugar, preservatives, sausages, soft drinks and fast foods contribute to fluid retention. Excessive consumption in any form is not healthy, but in the case of these foods the effect is almost instantaneous, so avoiding it is the best solution.
"Inadequate food, such as sausage, ham, ready-made seasonings, biscuits, ice cream, candy, instant noodles and packaged snacks. Drinking little water and consuming alcohol also contribute to the condition. Kidney, heart or liver problems, or thyroid diseases that cause a specific type of edema", explains nutritionist Juliana Vieira.
Eat foods rich in fiber
Fiber, which contributes to the proper functioning of the intestine, also helps prevent fluid retention. Papaya, oranges, plums and leaves in general are fiber-rich foods that should be part of the diet to avoid unwanted bloating.
Easing the discomfort
Even with these tips to prevent swelling from occurring, your body may not respond as expected due to several factors, nothing that you should despair about. Maintain your healthy habits and physical exercises, but to ease the discomfort, complement it with some aesthetic or therapeutic procedures or a simple, well-deserved rest with your feet up.
Massages - Contact with the skin relieves tension and moves liquids that are retained in the lymphatic system (lymphatic, modeling, hot stones, guacha, bamboo...)
Alternatives - Continuous therapies that require a certain constancy and discipline (reike, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, meditation...)
You are the highest priority!
Regardless of the tips, paying attention to the signs that the body gives us is extremely important, so nutritionist Juliana Vieira listed some signs that bloating can be serious. Therefore, if you have any of them, the professional recommends that you see a doctor: