Understanding the Reasons Behind Procrastination
According to experts, a lack of motivation to get out of bed or complete tasks may originate from underlying psychological factors that often go unnoticed.
Always feeling lazy is not necessarily a positive feeling. It can make people doubt themselves, have poor work performance, reduce the quality of relationships and thereby lead to serious psychological consequences such as insecurity and fear. Experts say know, not having enough motivation to get out of bed or complete a task can stem from deep psychological causes that you are not paying attention to. The important thing is that you need to be alert enough to review your work schedule, choose a suitable lifestyle and make corresponding positive changes.
Dr. Chandni Tugnait, Psychotherapist and Founder & Director of Gateway of Healing asserts that there are psychological reasons why someone feels lazy all the time. In particular, mild depressive syndrome is the main cause that often leads to apathy and indifference. Besides, an individual with low self-esteem will feel anxious when starting something, because they always assume they are weak, a failure, and unable to complete any goal well.
Here are some psychological reasons why you could be depressed and feel lazy:
1/ You are fed up with your current life schedule
If you feel like you're stuck in a boring life cycle, without any events or goals that make you excited. After a few years of working, you start to become familiar with the job. Every morning, come to the company to check-in at 9 a.m., then check your email, have a meeting with your boss, meet with customers and resolve the backlog of documents. The tasks that keep repeating day after month, unintentionally make you lose motivation and no longer maintain the same enthusiasm as in the first days. To overcome this, proactively replenish your brain with "dopamine" with special hobbies or a few new friends - only then will the cycle of laziness and boredom truly end.
2/ You are overwhelmed by choices
When faced with too many choices at the same time, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. This is a psychological trap that puts you in a cycle of confusion, thereby delaying decision-making. Slowing down a bit before turning points is necessary, but don't let yourself immerse yourself and sleep too long in procrastination. Simplify your life and focus on what's most important at the moment - you'll make the wisest choices.
3/ Trying to do too many things at once
If you continuously shoulder too many roles and responsibilities in life, you will gradually feel exhausted and begin to have days that crumble under pressure. They get even worse when you're a perfectionist who always wants everything to be perfect. Remember that making mistakes is not always bad, experience is what makes us mature and stronger. At the same time, try to break down your goals so that everything happens in the right order and under better control.
4/ Not getting enough sleep
When the body does not fully meet its need for rest, the brain will begin to "protest" through actions such as forgetfulness, loss of concentration, and lack of clarity in judgment and decision making. If that happens, you will want to do nothing but lounge around all day and in the end not a single task gets done properly. Instead of surfing Tiktok until 1-2 am, discipline yourself and go to bed early to maintain your health at a fixed time frame. Make this contract within 1 week, you will definitely be surprised at the results.
5/ Don't dare step outside the safe zone
In each of us there is always amazing potential. If you keep staying in your comfort zone and resting on temporary victory, you will likely find life extremely dull and boring. Accepting compromise with the present can be a "red alert" bell for the future ahead if you let your guard down.
Dr. Chandni Tugnait concludes: "If you're chronically lazy and unmotivated, chances are you need to talk to a mental health professional to explore any underlying psychological causes. Treatment can help. can help you solve these problems and regain motivation in life."